While running is a whole-body workout, you primarily use your core and lower body muscles.

重要的是要保持这些关键肌肉坚固和健康,因为它们负责稳定,proper form,,,,and spinal alignment — all of which help you perform at your highest capacity with maximum efficiency.






Yourhip flexor muscles位于臀部的前部,就在大腿上方。他们将您的大腿骨连接到您的腰部,臀部和腹股沟。髋屈肌有助于骨盆和脊柱稳定。


To ensure mobility, it’s important tomaintain strength and flexibility in your hip flexors。Tightness in your hip flexors can compromise the action of your glutes, which can lead to compensation in other areas and even injury.




连接ed to the kneecap, the quads are responsible for straightening and stabilizing your knees as you run.


You activate your hamstrings to push off the ground with each step and to maintain a bend in your knee, which helps prevent hyperextension. Bending your knees to raise your feet toward your butt helps to drive you forward.

To maintain maximum efficiency as a runner, you must have strong, flexible hamstrings. Otherwise, your form suffers, and your risk of pain and injury increases.

Many people have weak hamstrings in comparison to quadriceps, which can lead to overcompensation and imbalances in your hips, knees, and overall stride.

Yourcalf muscles位于下腿的背面。每次推开并举起腿以推动前进时,您都会使用这些肌肉。


Running uphill or downhill requires you to use slightly different form since you’re working your muscles differently. When running hills in either direction, make a point to align your torso over your pelvis.

Running downhill

Running downhill is easier on your cardiac muscles. But your hip, leg, and ankle muscles must work harder, especially your hip extensors, quads, and knees.

下坡运行可能会导致您对胫骨施加太大的压力,这可能导致shin splints。You naturally use more of a heel-foot strike, which helps to slow down your forward movement. Be mindful not to lean your upper body too far back.

Running uphill

When you run uphill, you have to work harder and激活更多的腿部肌肉to overcome gravity. Compared with running on a flat surface, you activate the vastus muscles of your quadriceps more and your hamstrings less.

运行在一个向上的斜坡上常需要你e to a mid- or forefoot strike. This type of impact puts more pressure on your calves and ankles, but it also makes it easier to push off from the ground. This is because some of the energy from the shock is absorbed by your calves, which provides power as you propel forward.


Running also works your tendons and ligaments, which help to absorb some of the impact. Tendons are connective tissues that connect your bones to muscles, aiding in smoother movement and shock absorption.

Ligaments are connective tissues that bind your bones to each other. By absorbing some of the stress and impact from running, they help to make your body stable and prevent too much movement between bones.

根据大多数医生的说法,您需要暖身before you begin working out for at least 5 minutes before moving on to stretching. Strenuous exercise such as running can shorten and tighten your muscles, which can cause reduced mobility and limit your range of motion.

It’s important to keep your muscles loose, flexible, and supple to prevent discomfort, pain, and injury.


