If you think that smoking cigarettes isn’t healthy but snuff is safe, think again. Snuff is a tobacco product. Like cigarettes, it contains harmful chemicals that can raise your risk of many health problems. However, the exposure level to these chemicals is lower than that of smoked tobacco products.


To produce snuff, tobacco is dried and finely ground. There are two main types of snuff: dried and moist.

In a 2014 report , the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that more than 40 types of smokeless tobacco products are used by nose or mouth by more than 300 million people around the world — including snuff.

To use dried snuff, you inhale the ground tobacco into your nasal cavity. To use moist snuff, also known as “dipping,” you put the tobacco between your lower lip or cheek and gum. The nicotine from the tobacco is absorbed through the lining of your nose or mouth.

The 疾病预防控制中心 警告,无烟烟草制品对您的健康有害,含有尼古丁,具有强烈的成瘾的发展。

You might think that using snuff isn’t as dangerous as smoking because you’re not inhaling smoke into your lungs. However, snuff can still negatively affect your body.

Like other forms of tobacco, snuff contains chemicals that can cause cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS) , people who dip or chew snuff ingest about as much nicotine as people who regularly smoke cigarettes. Also, they get exposed to more than 25 chemicals known to cause cancer.


The 疾病预防控制中心 警告无烟产品可以提高您几种癌症的风险,包括:

The 疾病预防控制中心 also warns that using smokeless tobacco products may:

  • increase your risk of death from heart disease and stroke
  • increase the chance ofpremature birth和stillbirth if you’re pregnant
  • cause nicotine poisoning in children if they accidentally ingest the substance

A 2019 research review involving 20 studies over 4 global regions found a significant association between smokeless tobacco use and risk of death from coronary heart disease, especially among European users. The researchers pointed to the need to include smokeless tobacco in public tobacco cessation efforts.


  • 黄色你的牙齿
  • sour your breath
  • 导致蛀牙和口香糖感染,在某些情况下,颌骨并发症或牙齿的丧失导致骨质损失和面孔毁容

自2010年以来, 食品和药物管理局(FDA) in the United States has required one of four warnings on all smokeless tobacco products:

  • 警告:该产品可引起口腔癌症。
  • WARNING: This product can cause gum disease and tooth loss.
  • 警告:此产品不是香烟的安全替代品。
  • WARNING: Smokeless tobacco is addictive.

In 2019, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in the United States was amended. This raised the federal minimum age of sale of all tobacco products, including snuff, from 18至21岁

那个an snus怎么样?

Snus is a type of moist snuff that originated in Sweden. It has a long history of use in Sweden, but a modern version is available and gaining in popularity. This is because snus is often flavored and comes in small pouches that don’t require spitting for use. Some versions of it are now available in the United States.

In 2019, theNorwegian Institute of Public Health对挪威瑞典鼻的使用增加了令人担忧,特别是在从未吸烟的年轻人中。他们还表示关切的是,平均而言,2015年销售的产品比2005年的尼古丁有更多的尼古丁。

In Norway, between 2016 and 2018,33%的男性和40%的女性interviewed had no history of smoking prior to trying snus. About20 percent of adult men and 5 percent of adult women在挪威每天使用Snus。

The2019 Norwegian public health reportwarns that the use of Swedish moist oral snuff (snus) may be associated with an increased risk of:

  • various cancers and increased mortality after cancer
  • 高血压
  • 心血管疾病
  • 代谢综合征(高使用率)
  • 精神病
  • 怀孕期间对孩子造成伤害
  • type 2 diabetes (with high use)


For example, they might recommend a combination of nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medications, counseling, or other strategies.


When you quit nicotine, you might have unpleasant symptoms such aswithdrawal。为了管理您的症状,您的医生可能会推荐尼古丁替代疗法。它提供了烟草的剂量,没有其他有害化学品在烟草中发现。

You can find nicotine patches, lozenges, gums, and other nicotine replacement products at most drugstores. You don’t need a prescription to buy them.

Prescription medication

所以me prescription medications can also help you quit using tobacco. For example, your doctor might prescribe buproprion (Zyban). Ask your doctor for more information about the potential benefits and risks of this medication.

唯一其他由FDA批准的戒烟药物,varenicline (Chantix),已经 temporarily withdrawn from the market by its manufacturer Pfizer beginning in July 2021. Pfizer withdrew the medication due to unacceptable amounts of a potential carcinogen, N-nitroso-varenicline.

As of November 2021, the temporary recall is still in effect. The FDA has allowed use of a Canadian version of the medication temporarily to maintain the supply.


A mental health counselor can help you recover from addiction. They can also help you manage your triggers and withdrawal symptoms, and maintain your motivation. Consider asking your doctor for a referral to a counselor.




虽然有些人更喜欢一对一的咨询,但其他人可能会在较大的群体环境中找到成功。例如,诸如Nicotine Anonymousoffer support group sessions for people coping with nicotine addiction.

In these sessions, you can connect with others who are trying to stop using tobacco products. You can provide each other with motivation and social support. They can also share concrete strategies for changing your lifestyle.


When you stop using snuff, you’ll likely experience withdrawal symptoms. According to the ACS , you might temporarily experience the following symptoms when you quit tobacco:

In time, these symptoms will start to go away, and you’ll begin to feel better. In the meantime, ask your doctor how you can limit and manage withdrawal symptoms using treatments including:

  • 尼古丁替代疗法
  • prescription medications
  • counseling


  • cancer
  • 高血压
  • 心脏病


It’s not easy to break a snuff addiction. But with support from your family, friends, and doctor, you can safely stop using these products. A combination of nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medication, counseling, or other treatments can increase your chances of recovery.

Recovery from tobacco use disorder looks different for everyone. There may be some bumps along the road, potentially even some setbacks, but know that this is normal. Keep your individual goals in mind and celebrate the “wins” along the way as you leave tobacco behind for good.