You may have heard that the “normal” body temperature is 98.6°F (37°C). But this number is only an average. Your body temperature may be slightly higher or lower.

A body temperature reading above or below the average doesn’t automatically mean you’re sick. Several factors can influence your body temperature, including your age, sex, time of day, and activity level.


你身体的能力 regulate temperature 随着年龄的增长而变化。

超过64岁以上的人通常会像年轻人一样迅速地适应温度突然变化。通常,老年人有more difficulty conserving heat. They’re alsomore likelyto have lower body temperatures.

Below are average body temperatures based on age, according to a review of studies 较旧的研究:

Age 口服 Rectal/Ear Armpit
0–12个月 95.8–99.3°F
Children 97.6–99.3°F
Adults 96–98°F
65岁以上的成年人 93–98.6°F

92 - 97.6°F

确定哟ur normal range can make it easier to know when you have a fever.

Keep in mind that average body temperature varies from person to person. Your body temperature might be up to 1°F (0.6°C) higher or lower than the guidelines above.


The chart below shows which method is受到推崇的对于每个年龄段:

Age Rectal Temporal (forehead) 口服 鼓膜(耳朵)
Under 3 months X
3-6个月 X X
6个月至3年 X X X
4年 - 年轻人 X X X
Adults X X X
老年人 X X X

You may have had your temperature checked under your arm, in the armpit. This method isn’t as accurate and not recommended.

德国医生Carl Wunderlich确定了19世纪的平均体温为98.6°F(37°C)。但是,此后,许多研究并非总是如此。



Here are some of the factors that affect body temperature:

  • 我们的身体整天都会热身。
  • 老年人have较低的体温由于我们调节体温的能力随着年龄的增长而降低。
  • Younger people have higher body temperatures.
  • 体育锻炼的水平会影响温度,因为您移动身体的越多,核心身体就会越热。
  • 较热和寒冷的天气也可以反映您的体温 - 在温暖的环境中,寒冷降低时会升高。
  • 腋窝的温度读数低于从口读取的温度计。
  • 口腔中的温度计读数低于在耳朵或直肠中读取的温度计。
  • Hormone levels 会影响体温 .
  • 体重过多也可以 be associated with lower body temperatures.

A higher-than-normal thermometer reading can be a sign of a fever.

The 美国重症医学学院 identifies a temperature of 100.9°F (38.3°C) or higher as a fever. As mentioned previously, the exact reading is dependent upon a few factors. If your temperature’s elevated above the normal range described earlier in the article, you may have a fever.


发烧可以伴随其他signs and symptoms, including:

Our bodies have a built-intemperature control system.这项手术会响应疾病和感染而提高体温,您有时可以在没有任何干预的情况下进行战斗。随着时间和休息,您的体温可能会在未经治疗的情况下恢复正常。


  • 您的宝宝不到3个月大,发烧。
  • 您的宝宝在3个月至3岁之间,温度为102°F(38.9°C)。
  • 您的孩子3岁或以上,温度为103°F(39.4°C)。

Seek medical care if your baby or child has a fever and:

  • 呼吸困难
  • struggles to drink liquids
  • is under 3 months old
  • has a temperature over 104°F (40°C)
  • is shivering for more than 30 minutes
  • is inconsolable, especially when touched or moved
  • 无法按正常移动手臂或腿
  • 尿液量低,口干,没有哭泣的眼泪脱水
  • 排尿疼痛
  • appears very ill

If you feel your child should be seen by a medical professional, then trust your gut and have them checked out.

Hypothermia 是一种严重的状况,当您失去过多的身体热量时会发生。对于成年人,体温下降到95°F(35°C)以下是体温过低的标志。

Most people associate hypothermia with being outside in cold weather for long periods of time. But hypothermia can occur indoors, too.

Babies and older adults are more susceptible. For babies, hypothermia can occur when their body temperature is 97°F (36.1°C) or lower.







On the other hand, a low body temperature can also cause concern. Hypothermia can be life threatening if left untreated. Seek medical assistance as soon as you notice signs of hypothermia.

Your doctor will use a standard clinical thermometer to diagnose hypothermia and check for physical signs. In addition, they may use a low-reading rectal thermometer if needed.


In mild cases, hypothermia may be harder to diagnose but easier to treat. Heated blankets and warm fluids can restore heat. Other treatments include blood rewarming and warmed静脉输液对于更严重的情况。
