The story of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an unusual one. This by-product of the paper making process was discovered in Germanyin the late 19th century。这是一种无色液体,它因其穿透皮肤和其他生物膜的能力而声名狼藉。


DMSO was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)to treatinterstitial cystitis(一个chronic bladder issue) under the brand name RIMSO-50.

The compound has no other approved uses, butit’s been purported成为一种治疗方法:

  • 关节炎
  • cancer
  • 化学疗法副作用
  • general pain

Because it absorbs easily into the skin, it’s also been studied as a vehicle for administering topical drugs.

In the late 70s,FDA批准了DMSO to help treat interstitial cystitis. It remains the only FDA-approved bladder installation (or bladder wash) for this condition. For individuals living with interstitial cystitis, DMSO has been shown to:

  • 由于这种情况而缓解疼痛
  • help relax the bladder
  • 增加膀胱容量

到那个时刻 off-label uses , DMSO is often employed 作为减轻炎症和疼痛的替代治疗方法。

Because it absorbs easily into the skin, DMSO may be a beneficial alternative to other pain medications. However, further investigation into this area is needed before any conclusions can be drawn.

DMSO也是toutedfor its ability to reduce the amount of leakage during chemotherapy administration, but more studies, and real-world usage, need to be done before it can be labeled as a trusted method.

此外,在抑制癌细胞方面,对DMSO的好处进行了一些研究。一个2020 study发表在《医学发现杂志》上找到了利益的证据。但是,研究仅在这一领域开始,因此需要进行更多的研究,然后才能得出任何结论。


One common side effect is the taste of garlic in the mouth and throat.

更严重的副作用 包括 :

  • 头痛
  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • stomach ache
  • 腹泻
  • 发烧
  • 发冷
  • a lowered heart rate
  • 瘙痒
  • rash
  • 粗糙或粗糙的皮肤


Because it’s seen as a more alternative treatment, DMSO is easy to find and buy online. However, buying this product and using it without a healthcare professional’s supervision could increase the likelihood of overuse.

DMSO may also increase the effect of a few medications, which could produce serious reactions in some people. A few medications DMSO may affect 包括 :

  • sedatives
  • blood thinners
  • steroids

DMSO can be administered

  • 局部通过凝胶或溶液
  • 作为膀胱洗涤,通过导管(用于间质膀胱炎)

一个s with any alternative treatment, it’s always advised to talk with a doctor before deciding to purchase any product that contains DMSO. Dosage is directly connected to the severity of possible side effects.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a chemical solvent that is sometimes used to help reduce inflammation and pain, and may also be beneficial in reducing leakage during chemotherapy treatment.

它已经被FDA批准to treat only one condition: interstitial cystitis.

Because of possible interactions with other common medications, and lack of definitive research into its benefits, DMSO should not be used without medical supervision.