大麻refers to a group of three plants with psychoactive properties, known as大麻sativa,大麻indica, 和大麻ruderalis.

When the flowers of these plants are harvested and dried, you’re left with one of the most common drugs in the world. Some call it weed, some call it pot, and others call it marijuana.

在更多的领域,随着杂草变得合法名称are evolving. Today, more and more people are using the term cannabis to refer to weed.

Some argue that it’s a more accurate name. Others feel it’s more neutral compared with terms like weed or pot, which some people associate with its illegal use. Also, the term “marijuana” is falling out of favor due to itsracist history.


Keep in mind that while cannabis comes from a plant and is considered natural, it can still have strong effects, both positive and negative.

大麻is made up of more than 120 components, which are known as cannabinoids. Experts still aren’t sure what each cannabinoid does, but they have a pretty good understanding of two of them, known ascannabidiol (CBD)and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


  • CBD.这是一种精神活性大麻素,但它是无毒和无震撼的,这意味着它不会使您“高”。它通常用于减轻炎症和疼痛。它也可能缓解恶心,偏头痛,癫痫发作和焦虑。((Epidiolexis the first and only prescription medication to contain CBD and be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA. This medication is used to treat certain kinds of epilepsy.) Researchers are still trying to fully understand the effectiveness of CBD’s medical use.
  • THC。This is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. THC is responsible for the “high” that most people associate with cannabis.


You can find cannabis products that contain just CBD, THC, or a combination of both. But the dried flower that most people associate with cannabis contains both cannabinoids, though certain strains may have much more of one than the other. Hemp has large quantities of CBD, but no THC.

Using cannabis can have a range of short-term effects. Some are beneficial, but others are more concerning.

Some of the more desirable short-term effects include:

  • relaxation
  • 眩晕
  • 体验周围的事物,例如景点和声音,更强烈
  • increased appetite
  • altered perception of time and events
  • focus and creativity

These effects are often minimal in products containing very high levels of CBD, compared with THC.

But cannabis can also have some problematic side effects for certain people. Side effects may include:

  • 协调问题
  • delayed reaction time
  • nausea
  • 昏睡
  • anxiety
  • 心率提高
  • decreased blood pressure
  • 偏执狂

Again, these effects are less common in products containing more CBD than THC.

The short-term effects of cannabis can also vary based on your method of consumption. If you smoke cannabis, you’ll feel the effects within minutes. But if you orally ingest cannabis, such as in a capsule or food, it may be several hours before you feel anything.

In addition, cannabis often comes in different strains. These are loose categories used to indicate the effects of different cannabis products.Here’s a primer on some common strains and their potential effects.

Experts are still trying to fully understand the long-term effects of using cannabis. There’s lots of conflicting research on this topic, and many of the existing studies have only looked at animals.

Many more large, long-term studies in humans are needed to fully understand the lasting effects of cannabis use.

Brain development

Research from 2014 highlights the potential impact of cannabis on brain development when used during adolescence.




Some people can also become dependent on cannabis. Others even experience戒断症状当不使用大麻,如易怒、低appetite, and mood swings.

根据 National Institute on Drug Abuse , people who start using cannabis before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop acannabis use disorder比那些以后开始使用它的人。

Respiratory problems

Smoking cannabis carries similar risks to smoking tobacco. This may be due to inflammation and irritation of the airways.

大麻has been associated有支气管炎,这可能是慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的危险因素。然而, recent studies 几乎没有证据表明大麻使用与肺癌之间有联系。该领域需要更多的研究。

大麻is illegal in many places, but more and more areas are starting to legalize it for both recreational and medical uses. In the United States, for example, several states have legalized recreational andmedical cannabis.

Others have legalized it only for medical use. But cannabis remains illegal under federal law in the United States. The research supporting CBD use for inflammation andpainis promising. The use of CBD-based prescription medication Epidiolex to reduce some kinds of seizures is well established.

The laws around cannabis also vary from country to country. Some permit the use of products containing only CBD, while others consider any kind of cannabis use a serious crime.


大麻is a term that’s being increasingly used to refer to weed or marijuana. Regardless of what you call it, cannabis has a range of short- and long-term effects, which can be both beneficial and harmful.

If you’re curious about trying cannabis, start by checking whether it’s legal in your area.
