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Barrel chest happens when the chest is rounded or puffed up like a barrel. When you have a barrel chest, your chest or rib cage will look like you are taking a deep breath all the time. If you look at your chest from the side, it will appear wider from front to back than usual.



Barrel chest happens when the lungs become overfilled (hyperinflated) with air — like a balloon — as they work harder. This keeps the rib cage open or expanded for a long time. This happens most often because of a慢性肺部状况, but other diseases and conditions may cause it as well.


Barrel chest is usually caused by lung conditions. When the lungs overfill with air, they push out the ribs, chest, bones in the upper back. Over time, barrel chest develops.


Here are common conditions that may cause barrel chest:


Asthma是儿童和成人桶箱的最常见原因。大约 7.8% of people in the United States have asthma. This chronic condition happens wheninflammation- 肿胀和粘液 - 狭窄的肺气道。这使得难以呼吸。当气道变得非常堵塞时,肺部可能会过度膨胀,导致桶箱。

Some children with severe asthma may also have stomachs that look sunken in. This is because the muscles around and under the lungs are working harder to get air into the lungs.季节性过敏,感冒, 和流感can worsen symptoms in adults and children with asthma.



大多数患有COPD的人都有其他肺部问题,例如肺气肿,慢性支气管炎和吸烟者的咳嗽。Studiesshow that children with severe asthma have a higher risk of developing COPD in adulthood.


Emphysemais a lung condition that happens when the肺泡- 在肺部小呼吸管的末端的几个空气囊或气泡被损坏或破坏。这可能是由于吸烟,污染,化学物质和其他进入肺部的刺激物而发生的。

Alveoli air sacs are where the blood goes to get oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. When the alveoli are destroyed, large spaces form in the lungs. This makes it harder for the body to get oxygen. The lungs try to help by breathing and holding in more air, leading to a barrel chest.

Cystic fibrosis

囊性纤维化(CF)是影响人体肺部和其他部位的遗传(遗传)疾病。这种疾病使肺部的粘液厚而粘。浓稠的粘液会堵塞肺部,使其难以呼吸。当一个人更加努力地呼吸时,他们可能会 develop barrel chest .


Arthritisin the rib, back, and chest wall joints can lead to a barrel chest. This is more common in older adults but can happen in children in rare cases. It happens when the ribs and back get so stiff or inflamed they get stuck in an inhale or open position.

Different kinds of arthritis can cause barrel chest, including:

Genetic conditions


Your doctor will likely be able to tell if you have a barrel chest just by looking at you. You may also have an X-ray of your chest and back to confirm.

If you have an underlying lung condition, your doctor may recommend lung function tests like spirometry to see how well your lungs are working. You may also need a blood test to check your blood gases and inflammation levels.

You may need more tests to find out what is causing your barrel chest.

您的家庭医生可以诊断出枪管箱。您可能还需要看到一个肺专家,称为肺科医生,或关节炎专家,称为rheumatologist, depending on the cause of this symptom.

While there is no specific treatment for barrel chest, for many people, treating the underlying health condition may significantly reduce barrel chest. If you have a lung condition like asthma or COPD, you will need daily medications to help keep it under control. Managing lung diseases can help prevent barrel chest and other symptoms.


There is not yet a common treatment to repair a barrel chest. However,研究人员正在研究通过手术修复肋骨的方法,以帮助治愈患有这种症状的人的桶箱。


In some cases, treating the underlying condition may help improve the appearance of the chest in people with barrel chest, but the condition is generally permanent.