
The word “proctologist” is a bit outdated, though. These days, the preferred term is “colorectal surgeon” or “colon and rectal surgeon.”

Continue reading to learn about these highly trained specialists, the disorders they diagnose and treat, and the signs that you should see one.


  • Abscesses and fistulae.这些都是感染near the anus and rectum.
  • 肛门皮肤标签。这些都是皮肤小肿块around the anus.
  • Colon and rectal cancer.这个癌症begins in the colon or rectum.
  • 憩室炎。这是一个疾病其中沿着消化道的弱点形成袋。
  • 裂缝。这些都是小眼泪在肛门衬里。
  • Hemorrhoids.这些都是swollen veins可以在内部或外部发生肛门。
  • 炎症性肠病(IBD)。IBD is a group of炎症紊乱that includes溃疡性结肠炎Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).IBS是一群intestinal symptomsunrelated to IBD that can include bloating, cramping, constipation, and diarrhea.
  • 息肉。这些都是癌前生长that have the potential to become colorectal cancer.
  • 直肠脱垂。这是一个(健康)状况其中直肠开始从其位置落入肛门开口。

Colorectal surgeons can also treat sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including:

Colorectal surgeons are trained to perform a variety of diagnostic tests and surgical procedures. Their most common procedures include the following:

  • 镜头。This procedure有助于识别肛门和直肠的异常。
  • Colonoscopy.A.结肠镜检查, the doctor examines the entire colon and screens for colorectal cancer. They may also remove polyps.
  • Digital rectal exams.During this体检, the doctor uses their fingers to examine the lower rectum and prostate.
  • uporectal超声波。这是一种成像测试,以帮助诊断结肠直肠癌。
  • Proctoscopy.In这个程序, the doctor examines the rectum and anus, takes tissue for biopsy, or removes polyps.
  • sigmoidoscopy。In这个程序,医生检查了结肠的下三分之一,称为锡形结肠。

Colorectal surgeons are trained in a variety of surgical techniques, includinglaparoscopyrobotic surgery。他们还可以为某些疾病提供非诊断治疗。


It’s important for a colorectal surgeon to understand the full extent of all your symptoms. If they don’t know about all your symptoms, they’ll have a harder time diagnosing you and determining which types of treatments you need.

That’s why it’s so crucial to speak openly with your colorectal surgeon. Otherwise, you may go through unnecessary tests or have a delayed diagnosis and treatment. This can seriously impact your health.


They’re familiar with the type of symptoms that bring patients in to see them, and they’re trained to listen without judgement.

Proctology is a medical specialty that requires many years of training, which includes:

  • 学士学位4年的大学
  • 4 years of medical school
  • 成功完成一般手术中为期5年的培训计划
  • 结肠和直肠手术的额外培训年份



They work in private practices, clinics, and hospitals. They may have close working relationships with胃肠科学家



  • Is the doctor board certified? Board certification means they have the required education, experience, and continuing education.
  • Are they licensed to practice in your state?
  • Is the doctor part of your health coverage network?
  • 您是否可以在进行任何程序之前了解咨询以了解您的医生?
  • 如果您有特定的症状或程序,医生以前的经验是什么?
  • 您的结肠直肠外科医生会与其他医生沟通吗?
  • What are their office locations and hours?
  • 他们在哪里有医院承认特权?



If they’re dismissive or you just don’t feel comfortable with their style of communication or care, you’re not locked in. You can continue your search.

最好的医患关系取决于open communication, trust, and sensitivity. And a sense of humor doesn’t hurt, either.

Proctologists are highly specialized medical doctors also known as colorectal surgeons.

