
Xanax或其通用版本alprazolam, doesn’t affect everyone in the same way.

How Xanax will affect you depends on several factors, including your:

  • 当您服用药物时的精神状态
  • 年龄
  • 重量
  • metabolism
  • dosage

If you’re taking this抗焦虑药for the first time, it’s important to understand its side effects and potential interactions before use. Read on to learn what it should and shouldn’t feel like, and answers to other commonly asked questions.


Unlike some drugs, such as cocaine, that produce a “high” or euphoric feeling, Xanax users describe feeling more relaxed, quiet, and tired. These feelings may lead to falling asleep or passing out for a few hours.

Some people have also reported memory loss or blacking out and not remembering what happened for several hours. Higher doses will have stronger effects.

If you take this medication as it’s intended — it’scommonly prescribedto treat anxiety or panic disorders — you may feel “普通的” after your first dose.

镇静效果可以帮助减轻symptoms of anxietyand calm your body’s response to the anxiety or stress.

酒精增加了Xanax和慢下来how quickly your body can clear the drug from your system. If you take the medicine and then drink alcohol, you may experience extreme lethargy and prolonged memory loss.

It’s advised that you avoid combining the two substances. It’s possible that the combination will lead to dangerous, even deadly side effects. These include:

  • difficulty breathing
  • extreme drowsiness
  • 混乱
  • seizures

You should avoid combining Xanax with several other drugs due to their interactions. Xanax can interact with many medications, including some:

  • oral contraceptives
  • antifungals
  • 抗抑郁药
  • 抗生素
  • 胃灼热药物
  • opioids

这些药物可以防止负责从您体内消除Xanax的途径,从而尽快将其清除。随着时间的流逝,这可能导致该药物的有毒堆积,最终导致an overdose


You should also avoid combining Xanax with drugs — even over-the-counter ones — that can make you sleepy, slow your breathing, or cause extreme lethargy. The compounded effects of combining these drugs may be dangerous and put you at risk for health issues or death.

The effects of Xanax should be mild, but detectable. If the drug appears to be having a significant impact on you, you should seek emergency medical attention.

Symptoms to watch for include:

  • extreme drowsiness
  • 肌肉无力
  • 混乱
  • fainting
  • loss of balance
  • 感到头昏眼花

You should also seek emergency medical attention if you experience signs of anallergic reaction。Signs may include swelling of the face, lips, throat, and tongue and difficulty breathing.

Likewise, if you experience signs of withdrawal, you should contact your doctor immediately. Xanax is a potentially habit-forming drug, so some people may develop a dependency or addiction without realizing it.

Symptoms of Xanax withdrawal can be serious. They include:


  1. 如果您认为某人有自我伤害或伤害他人的直接风险:
  2. • Call 911 or your local emergency number.
  3. • Stay with the person until help arrives.
  4. • Remove any guns, knives, medications, or other things that may cause harm.
  5. • Listen, but don’t judge, argue, threaten, or yell.
  6. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, get help from a crisis or suicide prevention hotline. Try the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

Xanax’s doses are available in milligrams (mg). They include:

  • 0.25 mg
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg
  • 2 mg

The effects of Xanax become more significant as the dose increases.

医生generally recommend that first-time Xanax users start with the lowest possible dose. Until you know how the drug will affect you, it’s better to take less and build up to a higher dose.

高剂量可能是致命的。这对每个人来说都是如此 - 从首次用户一直到使用医生处方数月或数年的Xanax的人。您不应该服用比医生规定的更高剂量。

高剂量也与一种令人困惑的并发症有关,称为“Rambo effect。”当Xanax用户开始显示与他们非常不同的行为时,这种不寻常的副作用会发生。这可能包括侵略性,滥交或盗窃。目前尚不清楚为什么有人这样做出反应,或者如何预测它是否会发生在您身上。

Xanax is taken by mouth and absorbed quickly by the bloodstream. Some people may first begin experiencing the effects of Xanax within 5 to 10 minutes of taking the pill. Almost everyone will feel the effects of the drug within一小时

Xanax如此有效地治疗恐慌的原因之一是,剂量的峰值影响很快。大多数人会在one and two hoursafter taking their dose.

Theeffects of Xanax简短。大多数人会感受到药物最大的影响两到四个小时。Lingering effects or “fuzzy feelings” may stretch out beyond that for several more hours.

How long it takes for the drug to impact you will depend on several factors. They include:

  • your weight and metabolism
  • 你的年龄
  • 您可能服用的其他药物

It’s possible to build up a tolerance to Xanax quickly. If that happens, you may begin to notice it takes longer for you to feel the sedative effects of the drug, and the feelings may wear off more quickly.

Xanax has a half-life of about11 hours。到那时,您的身体将从血液中消除一半剂量。每个人都以不同的方式代谢药物,因此半衰期的人物不同。

As Xanax wears off, most people will stop feeling the calm, relaxed, lethargic sensations that the drug is associated with.


A Xanax comedown isn’t the same thing as withdrawal. A comedown is the letdown of high emotions following peak drug effects. Many people who take Xanax don’t report a “comedown” because Xanax doesn’t cause a “high.”

However, some people may experience feelings of depression or anxiety, even if they’ve never had an issue with these conditions, as the chemicals in their brain adjust to the lack of the drug. This rebound anxiety or depression is usually temporary.

Xanax has high potential to be a habit-forming drug. Symptoms of withdrawal typically begin two to seven days after your last dose. They can last 两到八周

If you take Xanax, don’t stop it without talking to your doctor first. Some withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous. You need to follow a program with your doctor’s supervision to taper off the high doses and ultimately quit entirely.

Symptoms of withdrawal include:

  • sleep problems and insomnia
  • 不安
  • 紧张
  • aggression
  • poor concentration
  • 自杀的念头
  • worsened anxiety or panic attacks
  • depression
  • seizures


If you’re considering taking Xanax or are curious about its potential to help you feel less anxious, talk with your doctor.

