
An estimated 49,670 people will be diagnosed with oral cavity cancer ororopharyngeal cancer2017年,根据 American Cancer Society 。这些案件中的9,700个将是致命的。


  • 嘴唇
  • 嘴唇和脸颊的组织
  • 牙齿
  • front two-thirds of the tongue (the back third of the tongue, or base, is considered part of the oropharynx, or throat)
  • 牙龈
  • area of the mouth underneath the tongue, called the floor
  • 嘴屋顶

When should you worry about a bump, sore, or swelling in your mouth? Here’s what to look for.


嘴里或嘴唇内的白色或红色贴片可能是一个潜在的标志squamous cell carcinoma




75%至90%的病例 erythroplakia癌变,所以不要忽略任何vividly colored spots in your mouth. If you have erythroplakia, your dentist will take a biopsy of these cells.

嘴里或嘴唇内的白色或灰色贴片被称为leukoplakia, or keratosis. An irritant like a rough tooth, broken denture, or tobacco can cause cell overgrowth and produce these patches.

The habit of chewing the inside of your cheek or lips can also lead to leukoplakia. Exposure to carcinogenic substances can also cause these patches to develop.

These patches signal that the tissue is abnormal and can become malignant. However, in most cases it will be benign. The patches may be rough and hard and difficult to scrape off. Leukoplakia generally develops slowly, over a period of weeks or months.

你可能会在嘴里的任何地方都能在嘴巴中找到erythloplakiaoccurs most oftenin the floor of the mouth underneath the tongue or on your gums behind your back teeth.



Know how to distinguish a溃疡疼痛from something more serious. A canker sore inside your mouth often burns, stings, or tingles before it’s visible. In the early stages, mouth cancer rarely causes any pain. Abnormal cell growth usually appears as flat patches.



