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Walking meditation has origins in Buddhism and can be used as part of amindfulness practice

The technique has many possible benefits and may help you to feel more grounded, balanced, and serene. It also helps you to develop a different awareness of your surroundings, body, and thoughts.




  • kinhin
  • theravada
  • vipassana


下面你会发现我的许多可能的好处ditative walking.

Walking meditation is often used by people who sit for long periods. The walking practice helps to get the blood flowing, especially to the legs. It helps to alleviate feelings of sluggishness or stagnancy.

Mindful walking is also a great way toboost blood circulationand提高你的能量水平如果您正在延长期间坐在工作。

Walking after eating is a fantastic way toboost digestion, especially if you’re feeling heavy or full.

Movement helps food to move through your digestive tract and may also prevent constipation.


一种2017 study在年轻的成年人上表明,在与冥想结合时,步行更有效地减少焦虑的症状。


一种small2016 studyconcluded that a Buddhist-based walking meditation practice had a positive effect on blood sugar levels and circulation in people with type 2 diabetes.

People practiced mindful or traditional walking for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. The group that did the Buddhist walking practice showed more improvement than the group who did traditional walking.

It’s important to stay active, especially as you age. Regular exercise helps to boost fitness levels and improve mood — both of which are at risk of declining in older adults.

根据一个小的2014 study, older people had fewer symptoms of depression after practicing Buddhist walking meditations 3 times a week for 12 weeks. They also improved their blood pressure and functional fitness levels, which can be achieved through walking.


The practice offorest bathing在日本流行,因为它的优点是放松和增强的大脑活动。


To get the benefits of exercise, it’s not necessary to do an intense workout.2019年的研究显示常规中等运动对睡眠质量产生积极影响。

Walkingmay help to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension so you feel better physically.



Researchers in a small 2018年研究 found that people who listened to a mindfulness recording while doing a 10-minute walk on a treadmill found the activity more enjoyable. They were directed to notice their physical sensations in a nonjudgmental way.



2015年的研究points to the link between mindfulness and creativity. More studies are needed that examine specific aspects of creativity in relation to mindfulness.

In the meantime, you can explore how a mindfulness practice enhances your problem-solving skills or the cultivation of new ideas.

一种study from 2019在老年妇女上表明走路冥想可以鼓励better balance以及脚踝意识和协调。

The practice involves awareness of leg and ankle movements while walking slowly.


Be aware of the present moment


一种s often as you can, bring your mind to the present moment when you’re walking at any point in your day. Focus on the sounds around you, your breath, or any bodily sensations. Tune into your thoughts and observe them as they come and go.


Practice seated meditation too

Walking meditation is often used in conjunction with seated meditation. So you may find it’s worth learning seated meditation as well as walking meditation.

Seated and walking meditation tips to try:

  • 做5到10分钟的冥想,然后进行冥想,反之亦然。
  • Notice the differences between the two practices and think about which one you prefer and why.
  • 一种s you progress, you can increase the duration of each session.


Often when our mind is moving quickly, we move in a hurry, too. Slow down your pace for a few minutes even when you find yourself short on time.



Stay accountable

