


Vomiting is common. Eating too much food or drinking too muchalcoholcan make a person throw up. This generally isn’t a cause for concern. Vomiting itself is not a condition. It’s a symptom of other conditions. Some of these conditions include:

Frequent vomiting not related to any of these causes may be a symptom of cyclic vomiting syndrome. This condition is characterized by vomiting for up to 10 days. It is usually coupled with nausea and extreme lack of energy. It mainly occurs during childhood.

根据这一点梅奥诊所, cyclic vomiting syndrome usually affects children between the ages of 3 and 7. It occurs in approximately 3 out of every 100,000 children, according to a 2012 study .

This condition can cause vomiting episodes several times throughout the year when left untreated. It can also have serious complications that include:

Vomiting is a common symptom, but it can sometimes require emergency medical attention. You should immediately go to the doctor if you:

  • vomit for more than one day
  • 怀疑食物中毒
  • 伴有僵硬的脖子伴有严重的头痛
  • 患有严重的腹痛


  • vomiting large amounts of red blood
  • spitting up dark blood
  • 咳出一种看起来像咖啡场的物质


  • 溃疡
  • 破裂的血管
  • stomach bleeding

It can also be caused by some forms of cancer. This condition is often accompanied by dizziness. If you vomit blood, call your doctor immediately or go to the nearest emergency department.

Dehydrationis the most common complication related to vomiting. Vomiting causes your stomach to expel not only food but fluids, too. Dehydration can cause:

  • 口干
  • fatigue
  • dark urine
  • decreased urination
  • 头痛
  • 困惑

Dehydration is especially serious in infants and young children who vomit. Younger children have smaller body mass and thus have less fluid to sustain themselves. Parents whose children show symptoms of dehydration should talk to their family pediatrician immediately.



It’s not necessary for throwing up once in a while. But水合作用is important even if you only vomit once. Drinking clear liquids is recommended. Clear liquids containing electrolytes can help provide essential nutrients lost through vomiting.




Dietary changes can also help with frequent vomiting. These are especially helpful for morning sickness. Foods that help to alleviate vomiting include:

  • 非贪污的食物
  • saltine crackers
  • ginger products like ginger ale

You can also try eating smaller meals throughout the day.

治疗plans are the best course of action if your vomiting is caused by a medical condition. Vomiting triggers can vary between people. These may include:

  • 酗酒过多
  • 吃太多的食物
  • migraine
  • 吃完后锻炼
  • stress
  • 热或辛辣食物
  • lack ofsleep


Knowing how to treat recurrent vomiting can help you avoid further complications.