
There’s a popular belief that rubbingvitamin E oil在您的痤疮疤痕上可以帮助他们康复,并降低其可见性。含有维生素E声称可以清除每种疤痕的软膏和面霜可以在美国各地的货架上找到每种疤痕。

However, evidence that vitamin E has this effect is mostly anecdotal. There’s little clinical evidence to support any of these claims.


One study found that vitamin E and Aquaphor ointments were no different in healing 90 percent of scars in people who had recently had patches of皮肤癌removed. And one-third of the participants who used vitamin E developed a red, itchy rash called接触性皮炎.

However, a different study found that children with surgical scars who used vitamin E three times a day didn’t developkeloids,或伤口上额外的疤痕组织。研究人员得出的结论是,手术前后使用一种局部形式的维生素E改善了伤口愈合的方式。

Research on how vitamin E can treat acne and heal its scars is inconclusive. There’s little proof that vitamin E oil can help heal scars. However, it’s possible that ingesting it through food or as a supplement can help your body heal in other ways.

Some research suggests that vitamin E supplements can be effective for people with severe damage to their skin. Vitamin E can support your body in several aspects of the healing process.

For example, vitamin E protects the body’s tissues from free radicals, which can damage cells and accelerate aging. It’s also critical for the formation of red blood cells, which distribute oxygen around the body. Both functions are vital to healing.

It’s best to get all the vitamin E you need from food. It’s abundant in the following foods:

  • 绿叶蔬菜
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • 强化食品,例如谷物

However, ingesting too much vitamin E in supplement form can be harmful. More than 1,000 mg in natural form, or 670 mg in synthetic form, taken daily can thin the blood, increase the risk of bleeding, and even cause bleeding in the brain.

It’s always best to discuss the use of supplements with your doctor.