使用电子烟或其他吐温产品的安全和长期健康效果仍然是众所周知的。2019年9月,联邦和州卫生当局开始调查 outbreak of a severe lung disease associated with e-cigarettes and other vaping products 。我们正在密切关注事态发展,update our content as soon as more information is available

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the vapor from a vape pen or e-cigarette, which are two terms used to describe electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).

Amid all the controversy regarding their safety, some people looking for a healthier alternative have started vapingessential oils

Essential oils are aromatic compounds extracted from plants. They’re inhaled or diluted and applied to the skin to treat a number of ailments.

Products for vaping essential oils are still very new. Makers of these products claim that you can reap all the benefits of aromatherapy by vaping essential oils, but should you do it?


Chiarito is a family physician in Vicksburg, Mississippi, and a member of the美国家庭学院‘ Commission on Health of the Public and Science, where she’s actively involved in tobacco policy development and cessation advocacy.


精油vape笔不含尼古丁,但甚至没有尼古丁的毒液can be risky.

Asked if vaping essential oils is safe, Chiarito warned that, “Essential oils are a volatile organic compound (VOC) that when heated over 150 to 180° Fahrenheit can convert to abnormal compounds that can be damaging to our lungs, mouth, teeth, and nose on contact with the burning compound.”

While people heat essential oils in diffusers at home for aromatherapy and to add fragrance to their surroundings, they’re not heated to a high enough temperature to cause problems.

精油仍可触发过敏反应, though, said Chiarito. She also pointed out that a person can develop an allergy at any time.

Essential oil vape pens are very new, and there isn’t any research available on vaping essential oils specifically.



Chiarito认为长期使用可能导致肺部中的任何其他类型吸入产品,包括恶化的哮喘,chronic bronchitis,频繁肺部感染并且免受频繁感染的免疫变化。

虽然有证据表明芳香疗法和某些精油的好处,但目前没有证据表明,禁毒精油 - 或忽略这件物质的任何东西 - 有任何益处。

Chiarito advises waiting for evidence-based research that shows the safety and benefits to a person before trying it. Anyone who’s considering vaping should be aware of the potential dangers.

Chiarito和大多数专家s agree that while nicotine is less safe to vape due to its令人上瘾潜力,普遍不安全。


电子卷烟气溶胶通常含有flavoring与之相关的化学物质肺部疾病, metals like lead, and othercancer-causing agents.

VAPING通常被宣传为戒烟的有效方法。虽然一些结果studiessuggest that this is the case, more evidence exists to the contrary.

有limited evidence that they’re an effective tool for helping smokers quit. Neither e-cigarettes nor essential oil vaping pens are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a smoking cessation aid.

As there’s currently no research available on the effects of vaping essential oils, avoiding vaping any essential oil is your best bet. Even essential oils that are generally considered safe for inhalation have the potential to change and become toxic when heated for vaping.

Along with nicotine, other chemicals commonly used in vaping liquid that are known to cause respiratory irritation and other side effects include:

  • propylene glycol
  • methyl cyclopentenolone
  • acetyl pyrazine
  • 乙基香草素
  • 二乙酰基

一些电子烟和个人扩散器制造商已经开始向其配方添加维生素。维生素肯定可以是有益的,但没有证据表明vaping vitamins有任何好处。


有no research available on vaping essential oils, and personal diffusers haven’t been around long enough to know what the long-term effects may be.

Until enough research is done on what chemicals are created when essential oils are heated for vaping and how they affect your health, you’re better off limiting your use of essential oils to aromatherapy in home diffusers, spritzers, and bath and body products.