据该局称,医疗保健专业人士截至2022年2月的疫苗剂量超过5.53亿件Covid-19疫苗剂量。 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 。这se vaccines can help prevent hospitalizations, serious illness, or death as a result of COVID-19.

Researchers carefully track the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Side effect considerations were an important part of clinical trials before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the vaccines and will remain in consideration as more people get the vaccine.

Here’s what you should know about COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

As with all vaccines, side effects may occur after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. These include:

  • 寒冷
  • 疲劳
  • 发热
  • headache
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • nausea
  • pain at the injection site
  • redness at the injection site
  • swelling at the injection site

According to the CDC 当有一些人后,有些人经历了更多的副作用,但这并不总是如此。一般来说,您可以预期疫苗副作用将轻度为温和。

What are the chances of getting serious side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine?

严重的Covid-19疫苗副作用非常罕见。但是,如果一个人要经历严重的副作用,他们最有可能在第一个方面发生 6 weeks after vaccination

According to the CDC , researchers have identified four adverse event types that have occurred. These include:

  • 过敏反应。过敏反应is a severe and potentially life threatening allergic reaction that can cause breathing problems, hives, and low blood pressure. Less than 0.3 percent of people receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for the first time experienced this side effect.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).GBS.是一种罕见的副作用,可导致免疫系统攻击健康神经细胞。症状包括肌肉弱点,有时瘫痪。
  • 心肌炎and pericarditis.心肌炎是一种罕见的Covid-19疫苗副作用。当心肌发炎时,它会发生。心包炎is when the tissue surrounding the heart swells and becomes inflamed. According to 2021 research , doctors most often associate these side effects with mRNA vaccines, such as Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.
  • Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS).TTS is a rare side effect that can cause blood clots or increased blood clotting, which can potentially be life threatening. Doctors associate this side effect most commonly with Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine


Covid-19疫苗现在是FDA批准的FDA5岁及以上。Here are some of the side effects reported by age.


FDA在10月2021年10月发生的5至11岁儿童Covid-19疫苗的批准。因此,儿童疫苗副作用的数据较少。然而,研究人员在儿童中检测疫苗的临床试验显示没有严重的副作用,据2021 research



A 2021 study 贾马发表的疫苗副作用发现,比老年人更容易发生不利的副作用。

Another 2021 study 发现年轻的成年人和青少年男性最有可能经历心肌炎作为疫苗副作用。该研究发现,79%的报告的心肌炎事件是男性。


老年人are less likely to have vaccine side effects than younger adults, according to the earlier study by 贾玛

这FDA has approved three COVID-19 vaccine brands in the United States:Pfizer-BioNTech,现代人, 和J&J疫苗。

U.S. adults have received more than 284万剂 辉瑞的疫苗,使其成为最常见的Covid-19疫苗,而已经给出了超过1700万J&J的剂量。

仍然有很多研究可以比较每种疫苗的影响。这 2021 JAMA study of nearly 20,000 people who received a COVID-19 vaccine found adverse side effects were more commonly reported in mRNA vaccines like Moderna and Pfizer than in the non-mRNA vaccine (J&J).

However, the fact that far fewer people have received the non-mRNA vaccine could explain the difference in reported outcomes.

如果在获得Covid-19疫苗后有严重的过敏反应,那么 CDC recommends that you avoid getting another dose of the same vaccine type.

For example, if you have an allergic reaction to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, avoid the Moderna vaccine (and vice versa) since they work in the same way.


Your side effects (or lack thereof) don’t mean the vaccine will work better for you than another person. The vaccine can help protect you regardless of your body’s response.


  • 将冷敷施加到注射部位。
  • plenty of fluids
  • 进行光线伸展relax your armmuscles.
  • take柜解救痛苦的人like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin (but only for those older than age 18).
  • 休息并给你的身体时间恢复。


开始的时候COVID-19大流行,有no readily available protections or treatments for the coronavirus. Since then, more than900,000 peoplein the United States have died from the coronavirus.

这COVID-19 vaccine has helped protect people against the coronavirus. According to theCDC,未接种疫苗的人具有比接种疫苗的人更高的诊断和死亡率。


While creating a vaccine without side effects would be revolutionary, all vaccines have the potential for side effects. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccine, very few adverse events have been reported, and many worldwide health groups are monitoring side effects closely.
