


排泄尿液量过多是一种常见的condition but should not last more than several days. Many people notice the symptom at night. In this case, it is called nocturnal polyuria (or nocturia).

Excessive urine output can sometimes signal health problems, including:


Excessive urine volume often occurs due to lifestyle behaviors. This can include drinking large amounts of liquid, which is known as polydipsia and isn’t a serious health concern. Drinking alcohol and caffeine can also lead to polyuria.

Certain medications, such as diuretics, increase urine volume. Talk to your doctor if you recently started a new medication (or just changed your dosage) and notice changes in your urine volume. Both alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, and some medications for high blood pressure and edema also act as diuretics, including:

  • 噻嗪类利尿剂,例如氯噻嗪和氢氯噻嗪
  • potassium-sparing diuretics, such as eplerenone and triamterene
  • 循环利尿剂,例如弹甲酰胺和速尿


Seek treatment for polyuria if you think a health issue is the cause. Certain symptoms should prompt you to see your doctor right away, including:

  • 发烧
  • 背疼
  • leg weakness
  • sudden onset of polyuria, especially in early childhood
  • 精神错乱
  • night sweats
  • weight loss

These symptoms can signal spinal cord disorders, diabetes, kidney infections, or cancer. Seek treatment as soon as you notice these symptoms. Treatment can help you quickly address the cause of your polyuria and maintain good health.

If you think the increase is due to an increase in fluids or medication, monitor your urine volume for a couple of days. If the excessive volume continues after this period of monitoring, talk to your doctor.

糖尿病mellitus (often simply called diabetes) is one of the most common causes of polyuria. In this condition, high amounts of glucose (blood sugar) collect in your kidney tubules and cause your urine volume to increase.



  • 胰岛素注射
  • oral medications
  • 饮食变化
  • 锻炼




  • 观察您的液体摄入量。
  • 就寝前限制液体。
  • 限制咖啡因和酒精饮料。
  • 了解药物的副作用。

Excessive urine volume caused by health concerns, such as diabetes, can be addressed by treating the underlying cause. For example, treatment for diabetes through changes in diet and medication often relieve the side effect of excessive urine volume.


Other underlying conditions causing polyuria may require extensive or long-term treatment. If diabetes or cancer is causing polyuria, your doctor will discuss the necessary treatments for resolving any medical issues in addition to helping get your polyuria under control.