

平衡饮食等内容的一个重要组成部分ing UC. Eating too few nutrient-dense foods could put you at risk for malnutrition. Too little nutrition can leave you feeling tired and make it harder for your body to heal.


It can. Weight loss is a common symptom of UC, especially when the condition isn’t managed. You may lose weight for a few reasons.



  • 你有腹泻。在活动症状爆发期间,您可以拥有six or more每天散落的排便松散。频繁腹泻会使您的营养物体剥离,并可能导致体重减轻。有些患有IBD的人少吃东西,以免经常去洗手间。
  • 你感觉太病了,不能吃。由于恶心和腹部疼痛,很难吃得很好。当您没有食欲时,您可能会减少维持体重所需的卡路里和营养。
  • You have inflammation.During flares, there’s more inflammation in your colon, leading to severe symptoms such as diarrhea and decreased appetite, which may lead to weight loss.
  • You experience chronic inflammation.An increased demand for protein is often the result of chronic inflammation. When this happens, your body may start to break down muscle and other fat-free areas of mass. The decrease in muscle mass can cause you to lose weight.
  • 您的医生使您服用液体饮食。在flammation can leave areas of scar tissue called strictures in your intestines. You may need to stick to a liquid diet until the inflammation goes down and your intestine heals.

Doctors don’t recommend any one diet for people with UC. The idea is to eat foods that give you enough calories plus a balance of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Work with a dietitian to find a meal plan you can tolerate — and that you enjoy.

Certain foods can make UC symptoms worse. During flares, you may need to avoid certain hard-to-digest foods and drinks like:

  • 皮肤和种子的新鲜水果
  • 生的蔬菜
  • 乳制品,例如牛奶和奶酪
  • 坚果
  • whole grains
  • 含糖食品,例如糖果和苏打
  • 酒精



After a flare, you can slowly add foods back into your diet. You’ll want to try and increase your calorie and protein intake to make up for what you lost.

Here are a few other tips to help you put on weight:

  • 白天吃四到六顿小餐,以增加每日卡路里的摄入量。较小的饭菜和小吃有时比三顿大餐更容易耐受。
  • Add more protein from foods like fish, eggs, tofu, and chicken.
  • 多吃一点。如果您正在吃与您一致的食物,并且您不满意,请继续前进。更多的食物等于更多的卡路里。
  • 将您的食品储藏室和冰箱储存在您喜欢的食物中,很容易吃。
  • 询问您的医生,如果您没有单独从食物中获得足够的营养,是否应该服用营养补充剂。

最后,与您的医生谈谈UC treatments。药物可以帮助管理炎症并减轻阻止您进食和体重增加的症状。


一些研究发现预期寿命的差异很小。在one study, women with IBD lived 6 to 8 fewer years and men lived 5 to 6 fewer years compared to people without IBD. That doesn’t mean your life will be shorter than the typical lifespan of person without UC and in good health — these are just averages.

Keep in mind, there are ways to improve your outlook. One is to see a doctor who is experienced in treating UC. Getting on the right treatment plan can improve both the length and quality of your life.


Work with your doctor and a dietitian to design a diet that gives you the right balance of nutrients. Try different foods until you find ones that you can both enjoy and tolerate.