Jackie Zimmerman住在密歇根州利维尼亚。从她的家到俄亥俄州的克利夫兰开车需要几个小时的时间 - 这次旅行,为医生的约会和手术做出了无数次。
“[It] was probably at least a $200 trip every time I went there, between food, and the gas, and the time, and all the things,” she said.
“If we’re talking what insurance has paid, we’re at least in like the million-dollar range,” Jackie said.
当这种方法没有工作时,他进行了一种灵活的Sigmodicopy - 一种用于检查直肠和下冒号的过程。他发现了UC的讲述迹象。
“By then, I was in a full-blown flare,” Jackie recalled.
“It was incredibly painful. It was a really, really terrible experience. And I remember, I was laying on the table, the scope was over, and he tapped me on my shoulder, and he said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s just ulcerative colitis.’”
At the time she was diagnosed, Jackie had a full-time job. She didn’t have to miss much work at first. But before long, her symptoms intensified, and she needed to take more time off to manage her UC.
“As things ramped up, and it did very quickly, I was in the hospital a lot. I was in the ER probably every week for months. I was doing longer stays in the hospital,” she continued, “I was missing a lot of work, and they were definitely not paying me for that time off.”
但在开始药物后,她在心脏周围开发了一种液体的积聚 - 梅萨明胺的罕见副作用。她不得不停止使用药物,接受心脏手术,并在重症监护室(ICU)中度过一周。
“At that time, the bills were just sort of rolling in. I would open them and just go like, ‘Oh, this is really long and scary,’ and then be like, ‘What’s the minimum, what is my bare minimum, of payment?’”
Jackie enrolled in a health insurance plan that would help cover the costs of her care. When it became too difficult to afford her monthly premiums of $600, her parents would step in to help.
Because of those restrictions, her doctor couldn’t prescribe biologic drugs such as infliximab (Remicade), which are often used to treat UC if mesalamine is off the table.
She was prescribed budesonide (Uceris, Entocort EC) and methotrexate (Trexall, Rasuvo). Neither one of those medications worked. It seemed like surgery might be her best option.
Several days before each operation, Jackie was admitted to the hospital for pre-operative testing. She also stayed for a few days after each procedure for follow-up testing and care.
Each operation cost $50,000 or more, much of which was billed to her insurance company.
She had missed too much work, due to illness and medical appointments.
“They would call me after surgery and say, ‘Hey, when are you coming back?’ And there’s no way really to explain to people that you don’t know,” she said.
“I wasn’t there enough. They were gracious about it, but they fired me,” she told Healthline.
Jackie received $300 per week in unemployment benefits, which was too much money for her to qualify for state aid — but not enough to cover her living expenses and costs of medical care.
“I was definitely asking for help from my family, and I was really fortunate that they could provide it, but it was a pretty terrible feeling to be an adult and still have to ask your parents to help you pay your bills.”
In spring 2013, she got a job at one of the “Big Three” automobile manufacturers in Michigan. This allowed her to ditch the expensive insurance plan she’d purchased and enroll in an employer-sponsored plan instead.
Her boss understood her health needs and encouraged her to take time off when she needed. She stayed at that job for about two years.
When she left that job, she bought insurance through the state insurance exchange that had been established under the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”).
“I felt like I stayed at that job longer than I wanted to for things like insurance,” she said.
但在目前的政治气候,ACA的感受too unstable for Jackie to buy another insurance plan through the state exchange. That left her dependent on her employer-sponsored plan.
She had to continue working a job that was causing her a lot of stress — something that can make the symptoms of both MS and UC worse.
Jackie and her boyfriend got married in the fall of 2018. As his spouse, Jackie could enroll in his employer-sponsored insurance plan.
“I’m very fortunate that I was able to get on my husband’s insurance, that we decided to get married right at the right time,” she said.
“The money out is just endless, and the money in stops really quickly when you can’t go to work,” she added, “so it’s a really expensive place to be.”