Although ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic disorder, the right treatment can help you achieve remission for long periods of time. The goal of treatment is to achieve long-term remission and manage symptoms. This will require an open discussion with a gastroenterologist, a doctor who specializes in treating and managing diseases related to the intestines.

You’ll want to talk with your doctor about your symptoms, lifestyle changes, and available treatment options that can help ease your symptoms. Make the most of your appointment and ensure that you’re comfortable with your care. Prepare a list of discussion points and questions before you see a gastroenterologist.

Use this discussion guide to help you get all the information you need before your next appointment.


The following are details about your symptoms that your gastroenterologist should know:

  • the number of soft or loose bowel movements you have a day
  • if you have blood in your stool and how much
  • any pain you’re having and the intensity of the pain
  • 如果您遇到任何“事故”以及多久一次
  • how your symptoms are impacting your daily routine
  • what you’re doing to help manage symptoms

Severe ulcerative colitis can cause other symptoms that affect the skin, eyes, and joints. That’s why it’s important to bring up any other symptoms you’re experiencing, even if they seem unrelated.美国克罗恩斯和结肠炎基金会建议询问您的胃肠病学家您的症状是否可能完全由另一种情况引起。您还应该询问应对这些症状进行哪些测试。

Your symptoms are an indicator of how your current treatment is working. Being open about how you feel will help your gastroenterologist determine if it’s time to try a different medication or if surgery is necessary.

Certain lifestyle modifications can help you better manage living with ulcerative colitis. Proper nutrition is an especially important part of management. There isn’t one specific diet recommended for the condition. However, you may tolerate certain foods and diet plans better than others.

Ask your gastroenterologist:

  • 您应该避免什么食物
  • what you should and shouldn’t eat during a flare-up

Rectal bleeding, loss of appetite, and frequent bowel movements are all common with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. These symptoms can lead to anemia and other nutrient deficiencies. It’s important to find out what you can do to treat or prevent these deficiencies. For example, you might such need to add specific foods or supplements to your diet.

Studies haven’t confirmed stress as a cause of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However, many people who have forms of IBD have reported that stress worsens their symptoms. Moderate exercise has been shown to reduce stress and improve the immune system. But several studies have also found that getting too much exercise or exercising at a high intensity can trigger or worsen symptoms. Talk to your gastroenterologist about whether more physical activity may help you.





  • 还有哪些其他治疗选择?
  • What other medications are safe to use when my symptoms flare?
  • Will I need surgery? If so, what does it entail?
  • How soon can I expect to see an improvement in symptoms?
  • 是否有其他可能有帮助的替代或补充治疗方法?
  • How will my condition and treatment be monitored?

与你的胃肠病学家公开谈论your symptoms is one of the best ways to manage and control your ulcerative colitis.