

Still, UC research continues to explore other methods to decrease the inflammation associated with this autoimmune disease. Learn more about the new UC treatments that have recently come out on the market, as well as emerging therapies that could be other options in the future.



生物仿制药are a newer class of UC medications. These are copies of the antibodies used in a common type of UC medication called biologics.


生物仿制药的工作方式与生物制剂相同。唯一的区别是生物仿制药是副本of the antibodies used in biologics, and not the originator drug.

Examples of biosimilars include:

  • adalimumab-adbm(Cyltezo)
  • adalimumab-atto(amjevita)
  • 英夫利昔单抗-ABDA(renflexis)
  • infliximab-dyyb (Inflectra)
  • infliximab-qbtx (Ixifi)


In 2018, the FDA approved a new type of JAK inhibitor for severe UC called tofacitinib (Xeljanz). Tofacitinib is the first oral medication used for the treatment of severe UC. It was previously approved for the treatment of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.

Xeljanz works by blocking JAK enzymes to help control inflammation. Unlike other combination therapies, this medication isn’t intended to be used with immunosuppressants or biologics.


Clinical trials are also ongoing in the following emerging treatments:

  • 干细胞疗法,这可能有助于免疫系统复位减轻炎症并导致组织修复
  • 粪便移植(也称为粪便移植),涉及从供体中植入健康的凳子,以帮助恢复健康的肠道微生物组
  • 大麻,可能有助于减少整体身体炎症 - 包括与UC相关的炎症



There are a number of medications used for the treatment of UC, each having the goal of controlling inflammation in the colon to stop tissue damage and manage your symptoms.

Established medications tend to be most helpful for mild to moderate UC. Your doctor may recommend one or a combination of the following:

  • 皮质类固醇
  • biologics
  • aminosalicylates (5-ASA)
  • 免疫调节剂


据估计up to one-thirdof people with UC will eventually need surgery. The symptoms typically associated with UC — such as cramping, bloody diarrhea, and inflammation of the bowel — can be stopped with surgery.

The removal of the entire large intestine (total colectomy) will stop the UC colon symptoms completely.


Of course, surgery isn’t for everyone. A partial or total colectomy is usually reserved for those who have severe UC.


Partial or total colon resection


In a partial resection, colorectal surgeons remove the diseased region of the colon with a margin of healthy tissue on either side. When possible, the two remaining ends of the large intestine are surgically united, reconnecting the digestive system.


With modern surgical techniques, it’s potentially possible to reconnect the remaining bowel to the anus, either during the initial resection surgery or after a healing period.




  • toxic megacolon (life threatening dilation of the large intestine)
  • 大肠中不受控制的出血
  • 结肠穿孔



Part of bowel surgery involves creating a pouch near the anus, which collects waste prior to defecation.

One of the complications of surgery is that the pouch can become inflamed, which causes diarrhea, cramps, and fever. This is called pouchitis, and it can be treated with an extended course of antibiotics.

The other main complication of bowel resection is small bowel obstruction. A small bowel obstruction is first treated with intravenous fluid and bowel rest (and possibly nasogastric tube suction for decompression). However, a severe small bowel obstruction may need to be treated with surgery.



While there’s no medical cure for UC, new medications may help decrease the number of flare-ups while increasing your overall quality of life.

When UC is overly active, surgery may be required to help correct the underlying inflammation. This is the only way that UC may be “cured.”

At the same time, alternate facets of UC treatment are continually being studied for possible cures. This includes other types of surgery, as well as alternative therapies, like cannabis.

