
答案可能两者兼而有之。过度饮酒的long period can cause a range of problems including alcoholism, cirrhosis, and neurological problems.

另一方面,喝适度酗酒的人具有较低的发展风险 heart disease

The issues surrounding ulcerative colitis (UC) and drinking alcohol are even trickier. The answer, just like the disease itself, is complicated.

一方面,一个非常大的旧 学习 检查超过30万名患者的结果表明酒精实际上可能具有保护作用。该研究得出了两个主要结论:

  • 咖啡摄入量与UC耀斑无关。
  • 在UC诊断之前的酒精消耗可能降低人们发展疾病的风险。


另一方面,一个 学习 found that alcohol and alcoholic byproducts aggravate inflammatory responses in the gut and make UC worse.

另一个研究人员在另一个 学习 发现,一周的酒精消耗降低了肠道中的保护性分子并增加了肠道渗透性,这两者都是恶化UC的标志物。

年长 学习 在日本发现吸烟和酒精均与UC耀斑独立相关。


Others experience an increased risk of symptoms such as:

  • 恶心
  • 呕吐
  • upper gastrointestinal bleeding
  • 腹泻


当前 推荐 是UC的人应该避免酒精和吸烟。

That said, it’s not entirely clear from the existing data that modest alcohol consumption is a major trigger for relapse. It’s likely best to avoid alcohol consumption when possible and limit consumption when you do drink.