我们如何看待世界的塑造我们选择成为的人 - 分享引人注目的经历可以使我们相互对待的方式构成更好的境地。这是一个有力的观点。


For years, I was just a girl with a sensitive stomach who had to lie down after meals, skip out on social plans, and leave class early. The girl who could be out with her friends one night, and the next barely be able to leave her bed. These ups and downs became my way of life.

But then, on Aug. 4, 2017, I went from the girl with the sensitive stomach to the girl with a chronic illness. The girl with an autoimmune disease. The girl with ulcerative colitis.

It took me almost 2 years before I heard the magic words, “You have ulcerative colitis,” and was ushered out of the gastroenterology center with a pamphlet and a diagnosis. Two years of pain and tears and confusion. Two years of clutching to my identity as the girl with the sensitive stomach because I was scared to be the girl with something more serious.

In the first 9 months after my diagnosis for ulcerative colitis, I took on a new identity: the girl in denial.



But the denial was keeping me stuck. Denial was telling me I could just wait it out a few more months until I was home. Denial was telling me that soaking up my last 2 months of college was more important than my health. Denial was telling me I could do all the normal things other college seniors do without a second thought about my ulcerative colitis.

It was denial that landed me in the hospital a month after graduation in 2018. My health had gone downhill and, after being unable to eat or drink without excruciating pain, I was admitted to the emergency room.

Denial had created a cushion around my mind. It put me in the position of “staying positive” in a way I now know is toxic. I shoved everything under the rug and plastered a smile on my face. I never processed the grief, the fear, or the anxiety that naturally comes with chronic illness.

On day 3 of lying in my hospital bed, I decided I was done walking on eggshells around myself and my diagnosis. Even though I had told everyone about my diagnosis and changed my diet to support my body, I realized I hadn’t changed what was going on internally. I hadn’t worked on my mindset or faced the hard emotions I had bottled up in order to better support my ulcerative colitis.

By refusing to give up my hustle mindset and lifestyle, refusing to slow down long enough to hear my thoughts, and refusing to acknowledge the grief or fear, I was holding myself back from acceptance.

It finally hit me that my mindset was the last missing piece to getting out of denial. I made it my personal mission to commit to my journey of acceptance and mindset work moving forward.

I believe that finding acceptance with a chronic illnesspossible, and it’s possible foreveryone。Acceptance doesn’t mean giving in to your illness, though. It means taking back your life by changing your mindset.



我和自己的关系帮一旦nsely, too. As my self-love grew, so did my self-respect. And that love and respect became the ultimate catalyst for acceptance. Because of this love for myself, I began prioritizing my needs and committing to routines that bring me peace and presence. Self-love also motivated me to release guilt around making decisions best for myself, even if others didn’t understand.

所有这些作品都聚集在一起,告诉我我的内心世界 - 我的灵魂,心态,情感 - 是我最重要的作品。我的工作程度不是我的工作程度,跑步多远,或者我是否能够与我年龄的其他人“跟上”。滋养我内心世界的碎片,帮助我生活在接受的美丽中。


Two and a half years after that life-altering hospitalization, I’m happy to say I’ve found genuine life-giving acceptance. I’ve taken my broken pieces and built something beautiful — a strong mind and a strong life. Acceptance is freedom.

娜塔莉·凯利(Natalie Kelley)的创始人足够多,是慢性疾病的心态和生活方式教练,是华盛顿西雅图附近的Plones and Podcast的主持人。经过多年的症状,她于2017年被诊断出患有溃疡性结肠炎。在分享健康和保健之前,她几年前就开始了自己的博客和品牌。诊断后,她改变了慢性病讨论生活的道路,并为他人提供支持。在2018年改变人生的爆发和住院住院之后,娜塔莉(Natalie)意识到自己的目的不仅仅是在社交媒体上分享智慧。她获得了整体健康教练认证,这使她进入了现在的位置。她为患有慢性疾病的妇女提供个人教练以及她的小组计划,授权接受的道路,这可以帮助个人在健康之旅中找到接受,信心和欢乐。