


Acute pain is short-term pain that comes on suddenly and has a specific cause, usually tissue injury. Generally, it lasts for fewer than six months and goes away once the underlying cause is treated.



  • 骨折
  • surgery
  • dental work
  • 劳动和分娩
  • cuts
  • 烧伤

Pain that lasts for more than six months, even after the original injury has healed, is considered chronic.

慢性疼痛在任何一天,可以持续数年,从轻度到重度不等。这很普遍,影响了估计的 50 million 美国成年人。


Without proper management, chronic pain can start to impact your quality of life. As a result, people living with chronic pain may develop symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Other symptoms that can accompany chronic pain include:

  • tense muscles
  • 能源短缺
  • limited mobility

Some common examples of chronic pain include:

  • 经常头痛
  • 神经损伤疼痛
  • low back pain
  • arthritis pain
  • fibromyalgiapain


You have nociceptors throughout your body, especially in your skin and internal organs. When they’re stimulated by potential harm, such as a cut or other injury, they send electrical signals to your brain, causing you to feel the pain.

This type of pain you usually feel when you have any type of injury or inflammation. Nociceptive pain can be either acute or chronic. It can also be further classified as being eithervisceral or somatic.

Visceral pain



  • 压力
  • aching
  • squeezing
  • cramping


Examples of things that cause visceral pain include:

  • 胆结石
  • appendicitis
  • irritable bowel syndrome



躯体pain usually feels like a constant aching or gnawing sensation.


For example, a tear in a tendon will cause deep somatic pain, while a canker sore on your inner check causes superficial somatic pain.


  • 骨折
  • 紧张的肌肉
  • connective tissue diseases, such as osteoporosis
  • 影响皮肤或骨骼的癌症
  • skin cuts, scrapes, and burns
  • 关节疼痛,包括关节炎疼痛




神经性疼痛is described as:

  • burning
  • freezing
  • numbness
  • tingling
  • shooting
  • stabbing
  • 电击

糖尿病is a common cause of neuropathic pain. Other sources of nerve injury or dysfunction that can lead to neuropathic pain include:

Pain is a very personal experience that varies from person to person. What feels very painful to one person may only feel like mild pain to another. And other factors, such as your emotional state and overall physical health, can play a big role in how you feel pain.

Describing your pain accurately can make it easier for your doctor to find the cause of your pain and recommend the right treatment. If possible, write down details of your pain before your appointment to help you be as clear as possible.


  • how long you’ve had the pain
  • how often your pain occurs
  • 是什么带来了你的痛苦
  • 哪些活动或动作会使您的痛苦更好或更糟
  • 你感到痛苦的地方
  • whether your pain is localized to one spot or spread out
  • if your pain comes and goes or is constant

一定要使用的话,最好的describes the type of pain you feel.


  • burning
  • 锋利的
  • dull
  • 激烈的
  • aching
  • cramping
  • shooting
  • stabbing
  • gnawing
  • gripping
  • 压力
  • 重的
  • 投标
  • prickly
  • 刺痛

Keeping a pain diary to track your symptoms can also be helpful. Take note of things like:

  • when it starts
  • how long it lasts
  • how it feels
  • where you feel it
  • how severe it is on a scale of 1 to 10
  • 是什么带来或引发了痛苦
  • what, if anything, made it better
  • 任何使用的药物或治疗
