I felt driven by a need to understand how I got here in order to figure out how to move forward.

Hakan&Sophie/Stocksy United


我的医生继续说,“你的空腹血糖153 and your A1C is 7.1.” She paused. “You know what this means.”


我精通这些实验室数字及其意思。作为退休certified professional midwife,我已经为许多孕妇提供了咨询妊娠糖尿病。我熟悉葡萄糖仪,,,,血糖水平,,,,diet diaries,,,,and all of the lifestyle changes this diagnosis would entail.



My go-to way of managing stressful situations is to research. As soon as I got off the phone with my doctor, l retreated to my office, where I could do a deep dive into type 2 diabetes.

I stopped by my pharmacy to purchase a glucometer,lancets,,,,and测试条。Making my finger bleed multiple times a day to test my blood sugars made it feel very real, very fast.

I felt driven by a need to understand how I got here in order to figure out how to move forward.


Over time, I began eating more pasta, more bread. Comfort foods were something to bring a little light during a bleak time. After dinner, I did not shy away from the delights of巧克力,在小爆发中晒太阳endorphins。Like millions across the globe, I coped. I cocooned. Then I stayed that way for 15 months.

With afamily historyof diabetes andheart disease,也许我应该更了解。但是我真的只是不认为糖尿病会潜入门。就在5年前,我参加了5K比赛。即使就在几周前,我和我的伴侣都在评论我们的身体健康。


研究人员仍在制表和跟踪,但现在numbers表明小儿糖尿病病例在COVID-19大流行期间增加了一倍。是否还不知道成人是否有相应的增长,但是广泛认识到许多像我这样的人delayed meeting with our caregivers during the pandemic


我的年龄也在参与其中。57岁,我在prime age groupfor being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. While I understand that my body and mind will shift as I age, I am still accepting this sudden lurch into living with a chronic condition. This is a disease I will manage until my death. That idea is sobering.

我的体重在这方面发挥了作用。原来,体重通常是更大的预测指标than genetics about who will be diagnosed with diabetes. I am carrying around about 60 pounds too many, and it may have made me more susceptible to type 2 diabetes.

Excess fat in the body also affects the production of胰岛素and how it’s used. The good news is that if I can lose 10 percent of my body weight ,,,,I may be able to reverse this train.

What no one talks about is the emotional work of having diabetes.


I will feel their eyes on me, willing me to poke my fingertips multiple times a day, willing to be deeply dedicated to the management it requires.

There’s a part of me that feels angry, too. Why is this happening to me?




It has still only been a few weeks and already I’m making some changes.

In the kitchen, I found the food scale and pulled out the measuring cups. Just having it on the counter has been an effective reminder to work on portion sizes.

I’ve filled the fridge with theusually recommended items: green vegetables, lean meats, low glycemic fruits, and a few diet sodas in case I get a terrible longing for something sweet.

I put together a new playlist for the many hours of walking ahead of me, and I had a talk with the dog, who is quite pleased with this particular lifestyle improvement.

I’m also allowing myself to get a little excited. I remember what it feels like to be in better shape, what it feels like to get moving for a few miles with the dog every morning.

I’m tracking my blood sugar numbers, just trying to find patterns and identify foods that trigger me. I will miss ciabatta bread, but I’m remembering how much I love sweet potatoes.

Small steps. I know that I’m going to have days when I won’t walk a mile, and I’m certainly having a slice of pie during the holidays. I know that this cannot be an all-or-nothing situation.


What I’m wondering about now is healing from the diagnosis. It’s work. the burden of being a diabetic in a world that doesn’t always understand what it’s like is not insignificant. The emotional weight is work.



Jana Studelskais a writer and editor located in Minnesota. She is a retired certified professional midwife who continues to teach in both pediatrics and writing. When she’s not off the grid at her cabin, she lives in St. Paul with a good man and two animals.