Many people with type 2 diabetes need insulin therapy to help manage their blood sugar levels. If you need insulin therapy, starting it sooner rather than later can help lower your risk of complications.


  • 基础胰岛素。To help you maintain a
    background insulin replacement. They’ll advise you to take an injection of
    the day.
  • 推注胰岛素。To provide a surge of
    insulin after meals or as a correction for when your blood sugar is high, your
    blood sugar is high.





In other words, you’ll have to match the amount of bolus insulin that you take to the amount of carbohydrates that you eat. If you plan to eat a meal that’s high in carbohydrates, you’ll need to take more bolus insulin beforehand. If you plan to eat a low-carb meal, you’ll take less bolus insulin beforehand.

You can also take bolus insulin to correct a high blood sugar. Your doctor will likely give you a “correction factor” to help you figure out how much insulin you need. This is also commonly known as a sliding scale.

Many factors affect the type and amount of basal or bolus insulin that you might need to take, including:

  • how much insulin your body
  • how sensitive or resistant you
    are to insulin
  • how many carbohydrates you eat
  • how much exercise you get
  • 你有多少睡眠
  • 你重多少
  • 疾病或压力
  • alcohol intake
  • other medications, such as steroids

Any other medications you take for type 2 diabetes can affect how your body responds to insulin therapy, too. Weight loss surgery can also affect your insulin needs.


For example, if you lose weight, your doctor might be able to lower your prescribed insulin dose. If you adjust your diet to eat fewer carbohydrates, that can also reduce the amount of insulin that you need.

On the other hand, if you gain weight, your doctor might have to increase your prescribed insulin dose. If your body becomes more resistant to insulin, which happens with weight gain, that’ll also affect the amount of insulin that you need.

Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your insulin regimen.

学好如何你当前的治疗计划是working, it’s important to test your blood sugar according to your doctor’s recommendations. For example, they’ll likely advise you to use home testing equipment to monitor and log your blood sugar each day. They’ll also order A1C tests, which provide information about your average blood sugar levels over the past three months.


