

Changes in your treatment plan

If you’ve recently changed your lifestyle habits or treatment plan for type 2 diabetes, it can affect your average blood sugar levels. It’s also possible for your treatment plan to become less effective over time. This can affect the results of your A1C test.

Supplement or substance use


Hormonal changes

Changes to your hormone levels can affect your blood sugar levels, which can influence your A1C test results.

例如,如果你已经面临很大的压力for a prolonged period of time, it can increase your stress hormone levels and blood sugar levels. If you’re pregnant or going through menopause, that can also affect your hormone and blood sugar levels.


If you have a medical condition that affects your red blood cells, it can potentially influence your A1C test results. For example, sickle cell disease and thalassemia can make the test unreliable. Recent blood loss, blood transfusion, or iron deficiency can also influence the results.



If your A1C levels change from one test to another, your doctor can help you understand why. Let them know if you’ve made any changes to your day-to-day habits, medication use, or supplement use. Tell them about any recent blood loss, illness, or stress that you’ve experienced.


根据这一点美国糖尿病协会(ADA), your doctor should test your A1C level at least twice a year. Depending on your health history, your doctor might recommend more frequent testing.


A1C test results are reported as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher your blood sugar levels have been in recent months.

一般而言,ADA表明A1C测试结果等于或低于7 percent。但取决于您的健康历史,您的个人目标可能会有所不同。您的医生可以帮助您设置一个安全为您的目标。

Ask your doctor how high your test results should be.


If your A1C test results are high, it doesn’t mean that you’re a failure. Instead, it might be a sign that your treatment plan needs to be tweaked. Talk to your doctor to learn about your treatment options and the steps you can take to manage your blood sugar levels.

If you’re having trouble following your treatment plan, let your doctor know. In some cases, they might be able to prescribe treatments that are easier for you to use. Or they might have tips to help you stick with your current plan.

To help manage your blood sugar levels, your doctor might recommend one or more of the following:

  • 改变你的饮食,运动
    routine, or other lifestyle habits
  • 口服药物,注射的
  • weight-loss surgery

Your doctor might refer you to a specialist who can help you develop healthy lifestyle habits and an effective treatment plan. For example, a dietitian can help you design an eating plan for optimum blood sugar control. A mental health specialist can help you cope with stress.

The A1C test can provide useful information about your blood sugar levels and the effectiveness of your treatment plan for type 2 diabetes. To learn what your test results mean, talk with your doctor. They can help you understand your results and make changes to your treatment plan if needed.