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The most important device for someone with diabetes to have is a glucose meter, also called a glucometer. After a quick finger stick, you’ll know your blood sugar level at that particular point in time.


  • 您的保险计划会涵盖测试条吗?仪表通常是免费的;测试条没有。
  • Is the display easy to read? Does it light up so you can take a reading in the dark?
  • Are the buttons intuitive and easy to push?
  • Is the meter a good size for you?
  • Can you easily share data with your healthcare providers?
  • Can you track other things like insulin, carb intake, and exercise?
  • 您可以用每读物做笔记吗?

Decide what’s most important to you and select a meter accordingly. The most important things to me are cost, data sharing, and the ability to make notes.

There truly are apps for everything these days. In the diabetes world, apps can:

  • 跟踪您的血糖水平并显示趋势
  • 监测您的饮食
  • 记录您的运动
  • provide a peer support community
  • 让训练有素的糖尿病教育者和健身教练

By far, the app I’ve used the most to help manage my diet ismyfitnesspal。I can enter my own recipes, track how many carbs I eat in a day, and log my exercise. The app失去它!提供类似的功能。

现在我有一个CGM,我也开始使用该应用程序LibreLink很多。很快,我将尝试GlucoseZone, which promises tailored workouts. YouTube provides all types of exercise videos too.


My ideal app would integrate the food-related features of LoseIt! and MyFitnessPal, the blood sugar monitoring of LibreLink, the fitness tracking and exercise advice of MyFitnessPal and GlucoseZone, and the peer support available on social media.


After hearing about CGMs like those from Dexcom and Medtronic from members of my support group, I finally asked my doctor about them. A huge fan of the FreeStyle Libre, he said the device had allowed many of his patients with type 2 diabetes to dramatically improve their A1C.


除非您服用胰岛素,否则大多数保险计划都会覆盖CGM,因此您可能需要从口袋里付款。读者是一次性的购买 - 对我来说,这是65美元 - 但是您每14天需要一个新的传感器。我能够以75美元的价格获得两个传感器。您的定价可能会有所不同。

Wearing a CGM has worked well for me so far. I totally forget I’m wearing it, and I love having access to all of the data and graphs it provides. I check my blood sugar a lot more often, and I can even take a reading with my phone.

The biggest thing I’ve learned so far? When I cook at home, my blood sugar quickly spikes and then comes back down within an hour or two. When I eat out, even when I think I’m making good food choices, my blood sugar goes up and stays up for several hours.



Pens allow injected medications to be delivered conveniently and accurately. Insulin pumps deliver insulin 24 hours a day via a catheter inserted under the skin. Fitness trackers are basically wearable minicomputers that log how much you move during the day. Some of them monitor your heart rate and how well you sleep too.

You can make your never-ending type 2 diabetes science project easier by using devices and technology that work for you. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You just might find something that makes managing your condition more convenient and less daunting.


Shelby Kinnaird, author of糖尿病食谱用于电压炊具糖尿病的口袋碳水化合物柜台指南, publishes recipes and tips for people who want to eat healthy at糖尿病美食家, a website often stamped with a “top diabetes blog” label. Shelby is a passionate diabetes advocate who likes to make her voice heard in Washington, DC and she leads two糖尿病人弗吉尼亚州里士满的支持小组。自1999年以来,她成功地管理了2型糖尿病。