
Turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional Indian and traditional Chinese medicine. The spice’s healing power is derived from its active ingredient, curcumin. It’s said to help with everything frompain reliefto heart disease prevention.

Although turmeric’s healing potential已经建立, more research is needed to assess its effects on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You shouldn’t add turmeric to your routine until you’ve spoken with your doctor about your individual benefits and risks.



姜黄的研究很有希望。参与者在一个2004 study每天服用姜黄提取物八周。他们报告腹痛和不适,以及对感知生活质量的提升。然而,研究人员表示,需要安慰剂对照研究进一步建立这些结果。

研究ers in a 2010 animal study 研究姜黄素的潜力在胃肠疾病伞下治疗任何东西。在一剂姜黄素之后,研究中使用的大鼠经历了小肠的长度的减少。这表明姜黄素可以缓解异常的肠收缩。


近期研究2015年continues to highlight the varied healing potential of turmeric. This animal study looked at the effect of turmeric on IBS, as well as on the mood disorders that often accompany it, such as stress,一种nxiety, and沮丧

研究ers found that curcumin increased the levels of certain proteins and neurotransmitters in the rats’ brains that influence mood. The rats who received curcumin showed improved results in behavioral tests.

Curcumin also had a positive effect on the rats’ intestinal system. It’s thought that the proteins and neurotransmitters that signal the brain may also signal the intestines.

为了方便起见,大多数人选择服用补充表格的姜黄。如果您喜欢味道丰富的味道,您可以添加更多姜黄your diet


It’s always safest to take any herb or spice in its natural form.

However, curcumin supplements are available at most health food stores and through online retailers. You may also be able to find powdered turmeric in the spice section of regular grocery stores.


You should always follow the dosage specified on the package. Dosages may vary between manufacturers. To prevent potential side effects, start with a smaller dose and gradually work your way up to the optimal dose.


Some people recommend taking turmeric with honey for better absorption. Bromelain, which is found in pineapple, is also said to increase the absorption and anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin.





  • 将姜黄混合成酸奶或加入冰沙。
  • 将它撒在咸味菜肴中,如咖喱和汤。
  • 采用it to make a salad dressing or seasoned mayonnaise.
  • 使用姜黄,姜,柠檬和草药制作热茶或清爽的冷饮。


服用turmeric with piperine increases its absorption and makes it more effective. Piperine is an extract of black pepper.



  • nausea
  • 头晕
  • 一种bdominal discomfort
  • 增加收缩
  • increased risk of bleeding





服用哌啶may affect how certain drugs are metabolized. Talk with your doctor before use if you’re taking:

  • Phenytoin(Dilantin)
  • propranolol.(inderal)
  • 茶碱(Theolair)
  • carbamazepine (Tegretol)

在开始使用姜黄之前与医生交谈。请记住,姜黄应该只用作complementary therapy。It’s not meant to fully replace your prescribed treatment plan.

Discontinue use if you experience any uncomfortable and persistent symptoms. You know your body better than anyone, and it’s important to be aware of how turmeric affects you and your symptoms.Learn more about turmeric’s potential benefits and possible side effects here.