Turf toe is a sprain of the main joint in the big toe. This injury is a metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint sprain. Turf toe happens when you bend your big toe up toward the top of your foot too far.

Turf toe is a common injury to the joints in the big toe and is often the result of sporting activity. Treatment options and recovery time for turf toe depend on its severity, but the overall outlook is good in most cases.



Turf toe gets its name from the hard, artificial turf surfaces many American football teams use. As many as45 percentNFL球员的经历。

Repeated striking of hard surfaces with the feet can cause turf toe.More than 80 percent这些伤害发生在人造草皮上。


Read on to learn how to treat turf toe and what to do if the pain won’t disappear.

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Turf toe diagram

The most noticeable symptom of turf toe is pain around the big toe area, including the joint that goes up your foot toward your ankle. You might feel the pain right away if your toe bends suddenly and quickly.


Other symptoms include:

  • 脚趾和nearb温柔或灵敏度y joint
  • swellingaround the big toe and the joint
  • 无法正常移动脚趾
  • stiffness in the toe joint

Turf toe is caused by bending the big toe too far back toward your foot. When this happens, the big toe area and theMTP关节, known as the plantar complex, can get injured. Areas that may be affected with turf toe include:

  • Sesamoids:two small bones that help absorb weight on the front of your foot
  • Flexor hallucis brevis:肌腱在跑步或跳跃时将重量放在上面时,可以帮助大脚趾
  • Collateral ligaments:bands of tissue that connect your toe bones and keep the big toe from bending too much to either side of your foot
  • 足底板:一种使您的大脚趾弯曲得太远的结构

You can get this type of injury doing any activity that involves putting a lot of weight on your big toe. Professional athletes are most prone to turf toe because they’re constantly running, jumping, and generally putting weight on their feet for long periods.

Learn more about the differences between ligaments and tendons here.

See your doctor if you find it difficult or impossible to walk on your foot after getting this kind of injury. If treating the injury at home isn’t helping, you may need物理疗法或手术以步行,跑步,运动或继续使用脚进行日常活动。

Tell your doctor about the situation where you believe you first got the injury. This helps your doctor know to examine your big toe for any pain, swelling, or other abnormalities that may indicate turf toe is the cause of toe pain and stiffness.


Your doctor will examine your big toe for any abnormal swelling or redness. They’ll also push on your toe to see where the pain is coming from and move your toe around to test its range of motion.

Let your doctor know if this causes a lot of pain. They may be able to inject a substance into your toe to numb it.

Your doctor may also recommend imaging tests to look more closely at the tissues and bones around the toe. The two most common tests are anX-ray, which allows your doctor to see the bone structure around your toe to check for abnormalities, and an MRI scan, which can help your doctor see detailed images of the area around your toe.


A 2020 study of 24 people diagnosed with various grades of turf toe from 1999 to 2016 found that超过70%of them had significant improvement 4.5 years after treatment.

根据一些researchers, there are currently no evidence-based guidelines for treating turf toe. More studies are needed to develop optimal treatment guidelines.

Grade 1


  • 休息。停止参加会使您的伤害更糟的活动,并让您的脚趾休息一下,以便扭伤可以治愈。
  • Ice.Apply a cold pack or ice in a plastic bag to the area to keep the swelling and inflammation down.
  • 压缩。将绷带包裹在您的脚和脚趾上。将大脚趾贴在其他脚趾上可以防止其移动过多,并使伤害更糟。
  • Elevation.Lie down with your foot up to help drain fluid and keep swelling down.

Takingnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)can help manage your pain until the injury heals. Wearing shoes that don’t bend easily can help keep you from bending your toe too far again.

Grade 2

Grade 2 injuries are a little more serious and may require you to usecrutchesor a walking boot to protect your foot as your injury heals.

Grade 3

You may need surgery to treat a grade 3 injury if it causes a bone break, a ligament tear, or severe joint damage.

The type of surgery you’ll need depends on what part of your plantar complex needs treatment.

If soft tissue like a ligament or the joint capsule is damaged, your doctor may usesutures修复组织。缝合线是身体组织的针迹。

If the injury causes a bone break, your doctor will need to repair the bone. You may need to wear acast保护脚趾直到完全愈合。

You’ll usually recover from a grade 1 injury in a few days to a week.


Grade 3 injuries can take months to heal. You may need to wear a cast for 6 or more weeks and have several follow-up appointments before your doctor allows you to play sports or exercise again.

一项研究15名3级受伤的足球运动员发现他们错过了平均16.5周of playing time while recovering from surgery.

In rare cases, turf toe can cause long-term stiffness, damage, or decreased ability to run or jump using the injured foot. This typically occurs if you experience repeated injury or do not properly treat the turf toe.


A more serious turf toe injury may take a month or more to heal but won’t have any serious long-term damage if you take care of your toe during the healing process.

