

  • 增强性行为
  • 实现更高的在ergy levels
  • 建造健美运动


Your body naturally produces less T as you age. According to an article in American Family Physician, the average male’s T production goes down by about1 to 2 percenteach year.

This is all part of a completely natural process that starts in your late 20s or early 30s:

  1. 随着年龄的增长,睾丸产生的T。
  2. Lowered testicular T causes your下丘脑少生产促性腺激素释放激素(GNRH)
  3. 降低的GnRH会导致您垂体减少luteinizing hormone (LH)
  4. LH降低导致降低总体产量。


  • 低性欲
  • 更少的自发勃起
  • 勃起功能障碍
  • 降低精子计数或体积
  • 睡眠困难
  • 肌肉和骨密度的异常丧失
  • 无法解释的体重增加


You may need to do the test several times because T levels are affected by various factors, such as:

  • 饮食
  • 健身水平
  • 一天中的时间进行测试
  • certain medications, like anticonvulsants and steroids

Here’s the breakdown oftypical T levelsfor adult males starting at age 20:

年龄(年) 每毫升纳米图(ng/ml)的t水平
20–25 5.25–20.7
25–30 5.05–19.8
30–35 4.85–19.0
35–40 4.65–18.1
40–45 4.46–17.1
45–50 4.26–16.4
50–55 4.06–15.6
55–60 3.87–14.7
60–65 3.67–13.9
65–70 3.47–13.0
70–75 3.28–12.2
75–80 3.08–11.3
80–85 2.88–10.5
85–90 2.69–9.61
90–95 2.49–8.76
95–100+ 2.29–7.91


There are several ways to do TRT. Your best option will depend on your medical needs as well as your lifestyle. Some methods require daily administration, while others only need to be done on a monthly basis.



TRT is traditionally used to treathypogonadism, which occurs when your testes (also called gonads) don’t produce enough testosterone.

There are two types of hypogonadism:

  • Primary hypogonadism.Low T results from issues with your gonads. They’re getting signals from your brain to make T but can’t produce them.
  • 中央(次要)性腺功能减退。低t是由下丘脑或垂体腺体中的问题引起的。

TRT works to make up for T that isn’t being produced by your testes.


  • 改善您的性功能
  • 提高您的精子数量和音量
  • 增加与T相互作用的其他激素的水平,包括催乳素


  • 自身免疫性条件
  • genetic disorders
  • 损害您的性器官的感染
  • 未固定的睾丸
  • radiation therapy for cancer
  • sex organ surgeries

Many countries, including the United States, don’t allow people to legally purchase T supplements for TRT without a prescription.


  • losing weight
  • 增加能量水平
  • 提高性欲或表现
  • raising endurance for athletic activities
  • gaining extra muscle mass for bodybuilding

TRT确实已被证明具有其中一些好处。例如, 最近的评论 concluded that it effectively increased muscle strength in middle-aged and older males.

But TRT has few proven benefits for people, especially younger males, with normal or high T levels. And the risks may outweigh the benefits. A small 2014年的研究 发现高t水平与精子产生低之间的联系。


相反,考虑尝试一些替代方法来增强T。Here are eight tips to get you started.



  • 你的地点
  • 药物类型
  • administration method
  • whether there’s a generic version available


Keep it legal (and safe)

请记住,在大多数国家 /地区购买无处方的T是非法的。如果您遇到这样做,则可能会面临严重的法律后果。

Plus, T sold outside of legal pharmacies isn’t regulated. This means that you could be buying T mixed with other ingredients that aren’t listed on the label. This can become dangerous or even life-threatening if you’re allergic to any of those ingredients.

Experts are still trying to fully understand the risks and side effects of TRT. According to哈佛健康,许多现有研究都有局限性,例如大小很小或使用比平常大的T。

一个s a result, there’s still some debate over the benefits and risks linked to TRT. For example, it’s been said to both increase and decrease the risk of certain types of cancer.

一个 2016年文章 在泌尿外科的治疗进展中,泌尿科的治疗进展表明,其中一些相互矛盾的观点是媒体覆盖过度的结果,尤其是在美国。



TRT has long been a treatment option for people with hypogonadism or conditions associated with reduced T production. But its benefits for those without an underlying condition aren’t as clear, despite all the hype.


It’s also important to be monitored by a medical professional as you take T supplements to note any unwanted symptoms or side effects that may occur during treatment.