trichomoniasis(“ Trich”)是一个常见性传播感染(STI)。According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3.7 million Americans 在任何给定的时间都患有毛肌瘤。


Trich通常没有症状。CDC报告了 only 30 percent of people who have acquired trich report any symptoms at all. In one study, 85 percent of affected women didn’t have any symptoms.


The most common symptoms among people with vaginas are:

The most common symptoms in people with penises are:

Trich是由一种称为单细胞原生动物的生物引起的trichomonas阴道。它通过生殖器在人与人之间传播contact during sex or from shared sex toys.

In women and those with vaginas, the organism causes an infection in thevagina,尿道或两者兼而有之。在男人或有阴茎的人中,感染仅发生在尿道中。

Once it begins, it can easily be transmitted through genital contact without a condom or other barrier method.

Trich isn’t transmitted through normal physical contact such as hugging, kissing, sharing dishes, or sitting on a toilet seat. In addition, it can’t be spread through sexual contact that doesn’t involve the genitals.

一百万个新案件根据美国性健康协会(ASHA)和 CDC

滴虫病is more common in women than in men, and 230万 获得它的妇女在14至49岁之间。

It’s more common among older people and especially in those with vaginas. One study showed that themost positive cases发生在50岁以上的年龄组中。


  • 多个性伴侣
  • a history of other STIs
  • previous trich transmissions
  • sex without a condom or other barrier method


A number of tests can diagnose trich, including:

  • 细胞培养
  • antigen tests (antibodies bind if theTrichomonasparasite is present, which causes a color change)
  • tests that look forTrichomonasDNA
  • examination of samples of vaginal fluid, urethral discharge, or urine under a microscope

滴虫病can be cured with antibiotics. Your doctor may recommend甲硝唑(Flagyl) or tinidazole (Tindamax).

Don’t drink any alcohol for the first 24 hours after taking metronidazole or the first 72 hours after taking tinidazole. It can cause severe nausea and vomiting.


Without treatment, trich can be ongoing. With treatment, it’s usually cured within a week.




至少在治疗后3个月,请参阅医生进行Trich的后续测试。妇女和阴道患者的重新收购率可能高 17% in the 3 months after treatment.


Some tests can be conducted as soon as 2 weeks after your treatment. Because of a lack of data 支持男人和有阴茎的人的纠正,他们通常没有重新测试。

A trich transmission can make it easier to contract other STIs. Genital inflammation caused by trichomoniasis can increase your risk of gettingHIV,,,,along with other STIs. It also becomes easier for you to transmit HIV to someone else when you have trich.

其他条件,例如gonorrhea,,,,衣原体,,,,andbacterial vaginosisoften occur along with trich. Untreated conditions can result in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Complications of PID include:

  • fallopian tube blockage due to scar tissue
  • 不育
  • 慢性腹部或骨盆疼痛

Trich can cause unique complications in those who arepregnant。There can be a higher chance of delivering prematurely or delivering a baby with low birth weight.


It’s safe to take the medications metronidazole and tinidazole during pregnancy. No adverse effects have been noted.


You can only fully prevent acquiring trich by abstaining from all sexual activity.

Uselatex condoms方法在性活动或其他障碍reduce your chances of acquiring trich and other STIs.





STIs are common conditions among sexually active individuals. Oftentimes people who have acquired STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trich don’t have any symptoms. It’s not uncommon for people to find out that they have it only after they’ve been tested. When a sexual partner is diagnosed with an STI, the CDC recommends that all partners be treated while waiting for test results on themselves. This lowers the chance of complications.


For people with penises, delaying diagnosis and treatment means they risk developing more difficult-to-treat conditions and may unknowingly pass it on to other people.


Judith Marcin, MD Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.