A toothache is pain that you feel in or around your tooth. Most often, toothache pain is a sign that there’s something wrong with your tooth or gums.
Sometimes, however, toothache pain is referred pain. That means the pain is caused by a problem elsewhere in your body.
Toothaches are usually not life-threatening, but in some cases, they can be signs of serious conditions that require immediate medical treatment.
Toothache pain can range from mild to severe, and it may be constant or intermittent.
You may feel:
- throbbing pain或者swelling在牙齿或牙龈周围或周围
- fever
- 触摸牙齿或咬下来时剧烈疼痛
- tenderness and achiness in or around your tooth
- 痛苦的敏感性in your tooth in response to hot or cold foods and drinks
- burning or shock-like pain, which is uncommon
蛀牙是牙痛的最常见原因。如果tooth decay不受治疗,脓肿会发展。这是您牙齿附近或牙齿内的果肉附近的感染。
如果您认为自己有dental abscess。在极少数情况下,感染会传播到您的大脑,这可能会威胁生命。
牙痛也可能由受影响的牙齿引起。当您的牙齿之一(通常是)wisdom tooth,被困在牙龈组织或骨骼中。结果,它不会爆发或成长。
Common causes of referred pain toothaches
心脏疾病和lung cancer也可能导致牙痛。在某些情况下,牙痛可能是一个警告信号心脏病发作。
Heart and lung disease can cause toothache pain due to the location of your vagus nerve. This nerve runs from your brain to the different organs in your body, including your heart and lungs. It passes through your jaw.
Rare causes of referred pain toothaches
三叉神经痛和occipital neuralgia痛苦的神经疾病导致你吗r trigeminal and occipital nerves to become irritated or inflamed.
These nerves service your skull, face, and teeth. When they become inflamed, pain can feel like it’s coming from your teeth.
Dental treatment
Most people go to a dentist for a toothache, since most toothaches are caused by problems with your teeth.
您的牙医会使用X-rays和a physical exam of your teeth to detect tooth decay or other dental problems. And they may give you pain medication and antibiotics to treat an infection.
如果your toothache is due to tooth decay, your dentist will remove the decay with a drill and fill the space with dental materials. An impacted tooth may require surgical removal.
如果your dentist can’t find the cause of your toothache, they may refer you to a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.
Sinusitis treatment
治疗for heart attack, heart disease, and lung cancer
如果your dentist suspects that you’re having a heart attack, they’ll send you to the emergency department. If your dentist suspects that you have heart or lung disease, they’ll refer you to a doctor for further testing.
Things that may help temporarily relieve your tooth pain include:
- over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication, such as aspirin
- OTC局部牙齿止痛药,例如苯佐卡因(Anbesol,orajel)
- OTC decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), if your pain is due to sinus congestion
- 丁香油applied to your aching tooth
Seek emergency treatment if you have the following symptoms, along with a toothache:
- swelling in your jaw or face, which may be a sign that your tooth infection is spreading
- 胸痛,呼吸急促,头晕, or other signs of a heart attack
- 喘息, a cough that won’t go away, orcoughing up blood
- 呼吸困难和吞咽困难,这可能是肺癌的迹象