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您可能已经听说过扁桃体炎和链球菌性喉咙互换使用的术语,但这不是准确的。您可以患有扁桃体炎而无需进行链球菌喉咙。扁桃体炎可能是由A组引起的Streptococcusbacteria, which is responsible for strep throat, but you could also get tonsillitis from other bacteria and viruses.


扁桃体炎and strep throat have many similar symptoms. That’s because strep throat can be considered a type of tonsillitis. But people with strep throat will have additional, unique symptoms.

Symptoms of tonsillitis 链球菌性喉咙的症状
脖子上大的嫩淋巴结 脖子上大的嫩淋巴结
sore throat sore throat
扁桃体发红和肿胀 嘴巴上的小红色斑点
difficulty or pain when swallowing difficulty or pain when swallowing
发烧 发烧比扁桃体炎患者高
stiff neck 身体疼痛
upset stomach 恶心或呕吐,尤其是在儿童中
white or yellow discoloration on or around your tonsils 肿胀,红色扁桃体,白色条纹的脓液
headache headache


  • influenza
  • coronavirus
  • adenovirus
  • 爱泼斯坦 - 巴尔病毒
  • 单纯疱疹病毒
  • 艾滋病病毒

扁桃体炎is only one symptom of these viruses. Your doctor will need to run tests and review all of your symptoms to determine which virus, if any, is the cause of your tonsillitis.

扁桃体炎can also be caused by bacteria. An estimated15-30 percentof tonsillitis is caused by bacteria. The most common infectious bacteria are group AStreptococcus, which cause strep throat. Other species of strep bacteria may cause tonsillitis as well, including:

  • Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae(衣原体)
  • 淋球菌(gonorrhea)


Risk factors for tonsillitis and strep throat include:

  • 年轻的时候。细菌引起的扁桃体炎在5至15岁的儿童中最常见。
  • 经常接触他人。在学校或日托的幼儿经常暴露于细菌。同样,在城市生活或工作或进行公共交通工具的人可能会更多地接触扁桃体炎细菌。
  • 一年中的时间。链球菌喉咙是最常见的in the fall and early spring.

You can only have tonsillitis if you have tonsils.

In extreme cases, strep throat and tonsillitis can lead to the following complications:

  • scarlet fever
  • 肾脏炎症
  • rheumatic fever



  • 症状持续超过四天,没有改善的迹象或变得更糟
  • 您患有严重的症状,例如在102.6°F(39.2°C)上发烧或呼吸困难或饮酒困难
  • 强烈的痛苦不会消退
  • you have had several cases of tonsillitis or strep throat in the past year

Your doctor will ask you about symptoms and do a physical exam. During the physical exam, they will examine your throat for swollen lymph nodes, and check your nose and ears for signs of infection.

If your doctor suspects tonsillitis or strep throat, they will swab the back of your throat to take a sample. They can use a rapid strep test to determine if you are infected with strep bacteria. They can get results within a few minutes. If you test negative for strep, your doctor will use a throat culture to test for other potential bacteria. The results of this test usually take 24 hours.

Learn more: Streptococcal screen »

Based on your test results and symptoms, your doctor should be able to give you a diagnosis.



  • rest
  • 喝很多水
  • 喝温暖的液体,例如汤,with honey and lemon, or warm soup
  • 用咸温水漱口
  • suck on hard candy or润喉糖
  • 使用加湿器增加家庭或办公室的湿度
店铺for humidifiers.


If you have tonsillitis caused by a virus, your doctor will not be able to treat it directly. If your tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. Make sure to take antibiotics exactly as directed by your doctor.

Taking antibiotics will also help you reduce your risk of infecting other people. A research study 涉及2,835例喉咙痛的病例表明,抗生素平均减少了16小时的症状。

In more extreme cases, your tonsils may be so swollen that you can’t breathe. Your doctor will prescribe steroids to decrease inflammation. If that doesn’t work, they will recommend a surgery called tonsillectomy to remove your tonsils. This option is used only in rare cases. Recent research also questions its effectiveness, with one 学习 注意到扁桃体切除术只是适度的有益。

Strep throat


扁桃体炎and strep throat are both contagious, so avoid being around other people while you’re sick, if possible. With home remedies and lots of rest, your sore throat should clear up in a few days. See your doctor if your symptoms are extreme or persist for a long time.