What is a tonsillectomy?


扁桃体炎是一种感染扁桃体,可以让你的扁桃体膨胀并给你一个sore throat。经常发作的扁桃体炎可能是您需要进行扁桃体切除术的原因。扁桃体炎的其他症状包括发烧,吞咽困难, and swollen glands around your neck. Your doctor may notice that your throat is red and your tonsils are covered in a发白或黄色涂层。有时,肿胀可以自行消失。在其他情况下,可能需要抗生素或扁桃体切除术。

A tonsillectomy can also be a treatment for breathing problems, like heavy snoring and睡眠呼吸暂停


One case of tonsillitis is not enough to warrant a tonsillectomy. Usually, the surgery is a treatment option for those who are often sick with tonsillitis orstrep throat。如果您在去年至少有七种扁桃体炎或在过去两年中的五种或更多案件或更多案件),请与您的医生交谈,了解TonsilleCectomy是否是您的选择。

Tonsillecectomy.can also treat other medical problems, including:

  • breathing problems related to swollen tonsils
  • 频繁和响亮snoring
  • periods in which you stop breathing during sleep, or sleep apnea
  • 扁桃体出血
  • cancer of the tonsils

You will need to stop taking anti-inflammatory medicines two weeks before your surgery. This type of medication includes aspirin, ibuprofen, and萘普生。这种药物可以增加手术期间和后出血的风险。您应该让您的医生知道您服用的任何药物,草药或维生素。

You’ll also need to fast after midnight before your tonsillectomy. This means you shouldn’t drink or eat. An empty stomach reduces the risk of feeling nauseous from the anesthetic.


There are several different ways to remove tonsils. One common method is called “cold knife (steel) dissection.” In this case, your surgeon removes your tonsils with a scalpel.

Another common method for tonsillectomy involves burning away the tissues through a process called cauterization. Ultrasonic vibration (using sound waves) is also used in some tonsillectomy procedures. Tonsillectomies usually take about a half hour.


A tonsillectomy is a very common, routine procedure. However, like with other surgeries, there are some risks with this procedure. These can include:

  • 肿胀
  • 感染
  • 流血的
  • reaction to anesthetics


一口水或吃棒棒冰保持水分hurting your throat. Warm, clear broth and applesauce are ideal food choices during early recovery. You can add ice cream, pudding, oatmeal, and other软食after a couple days. Try not to eat anything hard, crunchy, or spicy for several days after a tonsillectomy.


