

Read on to find out what symptoms are typical during this time, how your aftercare may vary from week to week, when you can safely change your jewelry, and more.

Proper aftercare techniques are crucial to the outcome of your tongue piercing. Much of this depends on where your tongue piercing is placed, as well as how many new piercings you have.

Although the bulk of your aftercare takes place within the first couple of weeks, you’ll need to stay on top of daily cleanings until the piercing has completely healed. You should still clean your piercing once it’s healed, but you’ll have more flexibility in how often you do so.

Days 1 through 4

A little bit of swelling is normal — after all, your tongue now has a hole in it. Still, the amount of swelling shouldn’t keep you from drinking water or talking.

You’ll need to be careful with the types of foods that you eat, as these can get stuck around the jewelry and make you uncomfortable.Soft, bland foods- 像苹果酱和酸奶一样 - 是首选。

French kissing and oral sex are off-limits during this time.

你可以做一个盐冲洗to help minimize any pain and swelling. Ready-made rinses may be available for purchase from your piercer, or you canmake your own at home。首先每天使用几次以鼓励康复过程。

Days 5 and 6

疼痛和肿胀应在第一周结束时开始消退。您可能会发现它更容易吃,但您仍然应该坚持soft foods在此刻。

跟上你的盐漂洗,and avoid extensive physical contact with others.

Days 7 through 9

到目前为止,总的疼痛和肿胀应完成。您可能会开始更努力地吃更脆的食物,但要小心。如果有任何不适,请坚持soft foods更长的时间。




By day 10, your piercing may look like it’s good to go — but appearances aren’t everything. The hole won’t be completely healed for several more weeks.

You can eat almost anything you’d like at this point. But take care with spices, as these can irritate the wound.

你可以每天减少盐冲洗-preferably morning and night — after you brush your teeth.


This is considered the final stretch in your tongue piercing healing process. Continue with your盐冲洗, and make sure you’re brushing and flossing.

你不应该在这圣有任何疼痛或肿胀age, but you might find that certain foods irritate your tongue. Any symptoms beyond this may be a sign of infection or a poor piercing job.

Once your piercer give you the OK, you can resume your normal habits. This includes eating what you want, getting intimate, and switching out your jewelry.


While the initial piece of jewelry used for your piercing may not be your favorite, it’s important to make sure it stays put over the next eight weeks.

Removing the stud too soon can increase your risk of tears and infections. The hole may also close up if you remove the jewelry too soon.

Once the time comes to remove the jewelry used for the piercing, it’s best to see your piercer. They can ensure a safe removal process and show you how to correctly put new jewelry in.

For your tongue piercing to properly heal, it’s imperative that you follow some basic guidelines.


  • 每天两次牙齿
  • 每天的牙线
  • use a soft-bristle toothbrush for cleanings
  • 选择无酒精的漱口水
  • look for signs of complications — especially an infection

On the flip side, don’t:

  • use舌头刮刀
  • play with your jewelry
  • 进行法语接吻或口交,直到刺穿完全愈合
  • play contact sports with your jewelry in your tongue
  • 在康复过程中抽烟或喝酒

一旦您的舌头穿刺愈合,您就不会完全脱离清洁和卫生。您可以消除盐的冲洗,但请务必保持在您的顶部oral healthto prevent any problems.

You’ll also want to ensure that any jewelry you select for your tongue piercing is of good quality. Look for jewelry made with steel, titanium, or 14-karat gold. Less desirable metals are more likely to cause an过敏反应or lead to infection.

确保在穿刺的一生中跟上定期的牙科检查。舌头穿孔会增加您的长期割伤风险,牙齿创伤和gum recession。Your dentist can monitor for changes and help ensure that your piercing doesn’t cause such damages.



  • severe pain
  • 严重的肿胀
  • redness around the piercing site
  • discharge from the piercing site
  • unusual odors



如果您决定要让穿刺封闭 - 或者只想切换珠宝 - 您应该等到感染完全清除。

Any new piercing can raise lots of questions. Those done on your tongue are especially delicate. Feel free to reach out to your piercer if you have any questions concerning the results, aftercare, and healing time.

If you think you’ve developed an infection, your piercer isn’t the right source for treatment. You’ll need to call your doctor if you see signs of an infection or you’re experiencing severe discomfort.