
When you have a headache, you might not think your jaw could be the cause, but, the TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, could be the culprit.

The TMJ is the hinge connecting your jaw to your skull. It allows you to do things like talk, laugh, and chew, and enables your jaw to move up and down and side to side.

由于铰链和滑动运动,该关节比体内的其他关节要复杂一些,如果有不对劲,包括头痛,可能会引起多种症状。这些通常称为temporomandibular disorders (TMD)

虽然不知道是什么原因导致TMD,但它可能很简单teeth grinding。TMJ pain has been reported in1 in 10 people, and TMD has been reported in almost half of the population of the United States.

There are no specific statistics about TMJ headaches because it can be hard to distinguish between general headaches and TMJ headaches.

The muscles of the TMJ run along your jaw and cheeks, and sometimes these muscles can cause pain — even headaches. When the muscles in your jaw tense up — like when you grind your teeth — the pain can spread to other TMJ muscles alongside your cheeks and on the sides and top of your head, causing a headache.

A TMJ headache might also result from TMJ issues related toosteoarthritis,关节过度运动, or骨质疏松症


  • 紧绷的面部或下颌肌肉
  • 下巴或面部疼痛
  • 下巴中的“点击”噪音
  • restricted movement of the jaw
  • changes in your bite (that is, the way your top and bottom teeth fit together)

TMJ头痛也经常在头部和脸部的一个或多个区域中复发tension headaches

对于包括TMJ头痛在内的许多TMJ疾病,需要更多的研究来建立 安全可靠的治疗计划 。因此,通常建议保守治疗。许多治疗方法是您可以轻松地做的事情。

Lifestyle changes

Changing small behaviors associated with your jaw can be helpful, including:

  • avoiding hard or chewy food
  • reducing stress to prevent coping behaviors like jaw clenching
  • avoiding jaw movements like those that happen with wide yawning or gum chewing

To manage pain caused by TMJ, short-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs) can reduce jaw pain and headache. This includes aspirin (Excedrin), ibuprofen (Advil), andnaproxen(Aleve)。


Practicing jaw exercisescan help relax your muscles and relieve your symptoms.


If lifestyle changes and over the counter medications aren’t helping your symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. They may be able to prescribe stronger medications. TheHealthline FindCare tool如果您还没有医生,可以在您所在地区提供选择。


Splints are a common treatment for TMJ. Although they protect your teeth if you’re grinding them, they haven’t been 结论性显示 to relieve pain.

These, along with the treatments mentioned previously, are still only temporary, reversible treatments. They shouldn’t be seen as permanent solutions.

Surgical treatments

There are other, more permanent treatments such as orthodontic work to permanently change your bite and other dental work.


Use extreme caution when considering a permanent treatment for TMJ headache pain. There is no board certification in TMJ disorders in either medicine or dentistry, so finding a doctor with familiarity and experience in treating TMJ pain and headache can be challenging.



If the cause is your TMJ, treatments aiming at the root cause can help ease headache pain and allow you to take precautions to prevent future headaches.