
The hamstring is a group of three muscles that run up the back of your thigh. Sports that involve a lot of sprinting or stop-and-start movement, like soccer and tennis, may cause tightness in your hamstrings. So can activities like dancing and running.

Keeping these muscles loose is important. Tight hamstrings may be more prone to strain or tearing. There’s also a difference between tightness and injury. If you feel pain in your hamstring, it’s best to see a doctor before attempting to treat your injury at home.

There are a number of exercises and stretches that you can do to help keep your hamstrings loose. It’s a good idea to warm up your muscles before stretching. Try taking a walk or doing some other activity so your muscles are warm.




  1. Lie down on the ground with your back flat and your feet on the ground, knees bent.
  2. Slowly bring your right knee to your chest.
  3. Extend the leg while keeping the knee slightly bent. You may use a yoga strap or rope to deepen your stretch, but don’t tug on it too hard.
  4. 保持10秒钟,最多工作30秒。

重复您的另一腿。Then repeat this stretch with each leg two to three times total.


  1. Lie down on the ground with your back flat and your legs extended fully. For this stretch, you’ll also want to be near the corner of a wall or doorway.
  2. Raise your right leg, keeping the knee slightly bent, and place your heel on the wall.
  3. 慢慢拉直右腿,直到您感觉到腿筋伸展。
  4. 保持10秒钟,最多工作30秒。


Seated hamstring stretch I

  1. Sit on the ground in a butterfly position.
  2. 用膝盖稍微弯曲,伸出右腿。
  3. 然后在右腿上向前弯曲。
  4. You may hold your lower leg for support, but don’t force the stretch.
  5. 保持10秒钟,最多工作30秒。

重复您的另一腿。Repeat this stretch with each leg two to three times total.


  1. Grab two chairs and place them facing one another.
  2. Sit in one chair with your right leg extended onto the other chair.
  3. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstring.
  4. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and work up to 30 seconds.


Standing hamstring stretch

  1. Stand with your spine in a neutral position.
  2. 然后将右腿放在您面前。稍微弯曲左膝。
  3. 将手放在弯曲的右腿上时轻轻倾斜。
  4. 确保保持背部伸直,以避免弯腰在腿上。
  5. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and work up to 30 seconds.



Downward Dog

  1. Start on the floor on your hands and knees. Then lift your knees up and send your tailbone toward the ceiling.
  2. Straighten your legs slowly. Tight hamstrings may make this pose difficult, so you can keep your knees bent slightly. Just make sure to keep a straight spine.
  3. 深吸一口气,或者握住教练的长时间。


  1. Start in a standing position. Then move your legs about three to four feet apart.
  2. 手掌朝下平行于地面。
  3. 将右脚朝左侧和左脚朝90度左右旋转。保持脚跟彼此保持一致。
  4. Slowly bend your torso over your left leg and reach your left hand to the floor or a yoga block for support. Stretch your right arm toward the ceiling.
  5. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, or however long your instructor directs you to.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

泡沫辊s can help stretch out and loosen your muscles. Most gyms have foam rollers you can use. If you don’t belong to a gym, or if your gym doesn’t have foam rollers, consider buying your own if you regularly get tight hamstrings.

To roll out your hamstrings:

  1. Sit on the floor with your foam roller under your right thigh. Your left leg may stay on the ground for support.
  2. With your arms behind you, roll your hamstring, the entire back of your thigh, from the bottom of your buttocks to your knee.
  3. 在此运动中,专注于腹部肌肉。保持核心互动,向后伸直。
  4. Continue slowly rolling for 30 seconds to 2 minutes total.

Repeat with the other leg. Try to roll out your hamstrings three times each week.

泡沫辊s can also be used to relieve back pain and loosen various muscles in your body, including your glutes, calves, and quads.


您的初级保健医生可能会帮助您转介治疗师,或者您可以搜索美国按摩疗法协会’s database to find practitioners in your area. Massage is covered under some insurance plans, but not all. Call your provider before setting up your appointment.


物理疗法(PT) may be best if your hamstrings are chronically tight or strained. You may or may not need a referral to see a physical therapist. It’s best to check with your insurance provider before setting up an appointment. You can find local practitioners near you by searching the美国物理治疗协会’s database.

At your first appointment, your physical therapist may ask you about your medical history and the activities or sports you like to do. They may also perform tests to assess your hamstrings.

Your physical therapist will then guide you in a variety of stretches, exercises, and other treatments that are specific to your individual needs. The number of appointments you need will depend on your unique goals. You’ll also be expected to incorporate the stretches you learn into your daily routine.


  • 在进行不同的运动或其他激烈活动之前进行热身。至少10分钟的步行,轻慢跑或轻松的健美操可能有助于防止绳肌紧绷。
  • Regular hamstring stretches before and after your activities may also help prevent tightness. Try to take three to five minutes before and after your sports or activities to stretch.
  • Keep your body strong overall, not just specific to your activities.
  • 吃健康的饮食,喝大量的水燃料并补充肌肉。

Make an appointment with your doctor if your hamstrings are often tight and painful. The雷竞技app官网Healthline FindCare工具如果您还没有医生,可以在您所在地区提供选择。没有消失的疼痛可能是受伤的迹象。


  • 突然的剧烈疼痛
  • 出现或撕裂的感觉
  • 肿胀或温柔
  • 瘀伤或变色
  • muscle weakness

You may be able to treat a mild strain at home using RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. If you can’t take more than four steps without feeling tremendous pain, make an appointment to see your doctor. Severe strains may involve a complete tearing of the muscle. Some may even require surgery.

Don’t let tight hamstrings slow you down. With a little tender loving care and some regular stretching, you can keep your muscles loose and ready for action.


If you feel pain or have other concerns, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your doctor.

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