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Even though it’s necessary for ear health, earwax can sometimes build up in the ear, causing a blockage to form.


Preventing earwax buildup

如果您尝试clean your earson your own with a cotton swab. Instead of getting the ear clean, this action often pushes earwax more deeply into the ear canal.

Instead of removing it yourself, you may be able to prevent earwax buildup by letting excess wax fall out of your ear on its own. You can also avoid it by only cleaning the outer areas of your ear, rather than inserting an object into the canal.

Treating earwax buildup

Wax removal should be done by your doctor. They may remove ear wax by:

  • 抽出来
  • 用温水注射器冲洗蜡
  • 用一个curved instrument called a curet to manually remove the wax

If wax buildup in the ear is a chronic problem, your doctor may recommend medicated ear drops for you to use on a consistent basis.

这dangers of ear candling

有些人使用一种叫做耳烛疗法的治疗remove ear wax. This practice has been found to be ineffective for this purpose. It may also cause burns or injury to the ear, and should not be used.



A tickling sensation is a possible symptom of this condition. Other symptoms include:

  • 耳朵或耳朵的饱腹感
  • poppingor clicking sensations
  • pain
  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • muffled sound
  • occasionally, a loss of balance



Even if you are not in a high-risk category for Eustachian tube dysfunction, you can work to prevent it by treating colds, sinus infections, and the flu quickly, before they can cause an inner ear blockage to occur.


Reducing nasal congestion can help. Things to try include:

Stimulating the swallow reflex

Anything that stimulates the swallow reflex will help relieve the symptoms of this condition. Try:

  • 打哈欠
  • 吞咽
  • 口香糖
  • breathing deeply through your nose and out of your mouth
  • Valsalva maneuver(gently pinching your nostrils closed and blowing air out of your mouth while it is closed)
  • sucking on a pacifier

Medical treatments

In some cases, medical treatments may be needed to help open up the Eustachian tube. Your doctor may:

  • make a small incision in the eardrum, and suction out fluid from the middle ear
  • 将小管放在耳膜中,使液体可以排出
  • insert aballoon-like deviceinto the Eustachian tube through the nose, creating a pathway for mucus to drain out of the ear




  • 耳朵里充实的感觉
  • bleeding
  • 渗出
  • swelling
  • tinnitus

Preventing bugs in your ears

Getting a bug in your ear is more likely to occur if you have close contact with animals, or if you sleep outdoors.


Like any foreign object that gets lodged in your ear, a bug can also irritate the颅神经that transmit information to the brain.

If a bug enters your ear, it is more likely to die or exit on its own than it is to stick around. If you’re concerned about getting a bug in your ear, covering up your ears is the best way to prevent it from happening.



You should also not put any other object such as Q-tips into your ear. These might push the bug further back towards your eardrum.

Try flushing your ear out with a syringe of warm water:

  • 倾斜你的头向一边that the affected ear is tilted downwards
  • pull your outer ear in an upward and backward motion. This will straighten out the ear canal, making it easier to irrigate.
  • Gently and slowly squirt warm water into your ear with a syringe.
  • Let the water drain out.
  • You can also try this technique with warm oil. This may help to kill the bug.
  • 如果您看不到虫子会流出您的耳朵,请跟进医生。

Tickling, tingling, itching, and pain in the ear are all symptoms that require a doctor’s input if they don’t resolve quickly at home.

Children especially might have a hard time distinguishing one sensation from the other. They may also have a difficult time communicating what they are feeling.

A doctor can examine the ear and determine the root cause of the sensation. They will also be able to prescribe medication or interventions that can alleviate discomfort.



Itchingcan be a symptom of allergies or disease. It can range from mild to severe, and it is never pleasant. Itching is often caused by an underlying chemical stimulant, such as histamine. It’s not commonly caused by tactile stimulation.

Tingling (paresthesia) is another sensation that can occur in the ear. It’s sometimes referred to as pins and needles.


A tingling sensation in your ear can be a symptom of a serious condition, especially if it precedes or occurs withear numbness


A tickling feeling in the ear may signal a condition, such as Eustachian tube dysfunction. Rarely, it may also mean that a bug has gotten inside of your ear.

