
The thyroid is a small gland shaped like a butterfly. It’s located in the lower front part of the neck, just below the voice box.

甲状腺产生血液,血液对身体中的每种组织进行。它有助于调节新陈代谢 - 身体将食物变为能量的过程。它还在保持机构正常运行并帮助身体节省热量的作用中起作用。

Sometimes, the thyroid produces too much hormone. It may also develop structural problems, such as swelling and the growth of cysts or nodules. Thyroid surgery may be necessary when these problems occur.

甲状腺手术involves removing all or a portion of the甲状腺。A doctor will perform this surgery in a hospital while the patient is under general anesthesia.

The most common reason for thyroid surgery is the presence of nodules or tumors on the thyroid gland. Most nodules are benign, but some can be cancerous or precancerous.


Surgery can correcthyperthyroidism。甲状腺功能亢进is frequently the result of anautoimmune disorder被称为坟墓疾病

坟墓疾病causes the body to misidentify the thyroid gland as a foreign body and send antibodies to attack it. These antibodies inflame the thyroid, causing hormone overproduction.







Many individuals who undergo this type of surgery develop hypothyroidism, a condition that occurs when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones. This is treated with daily hormone supplements.

Total thyroidectomy


甲状腺手术takes place in a hospital. It’s important not to eat or drink anything after midnight before your surgery.




The surgeon will make an incision over the thyroid gland and carefully remove all or part of the gland. Because the thyroid is small and surrounded by nerves and glands, the procedure may take 2 hours or more.


Robotic thyroidectomy

Another type of surgery is called a robotic thyroidectomy. In a robotic thyroidectomy, the surgeon can remove all or part of the thyroid through an axillary incision (via the armpit) or transorally (via the mouth).

You may resume most of your normal activities the day after surgery. However, wait for at least 10 days, or until your doctor gives you permission, to engage in strenuous activities such as high-impact exercise.


手术后,您可能会发展hypothyroidism。If this occurs, your doctor will prescribe some form of levothyroxine to help bring your hormone levels into balance. It may take several adjustments and blood tests to find the best dosage for you.



  • damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerves (nerves connected to your vocal cords)
  • 对甲状旁腺损伤(控制身体钙水平的腺体)

Supplements can treat low levels of calcium (hypocalcemia). Treatment should start as soon as possible. Notify your doctor if you feel nervous or jittery or if your muscles start twitching. These are signs of low calcium.

在含甲状腺切除术的所有患者中,只有少数群体会产生低钙血症。那些发展低钙血症的人, approximately 75 percent will recover in 1 year.