
An ultrasound is a safe, painless, and noninvasive procedure in which high-frequency sound waves produce images of organs inside your body.

An ultrasound uses a probe or transducer. This handheld device converts energy from one form to another. An ultrasound technician, or sonographer, moves it against the targeted part of your body in sweeping motions.

The transducer emits sound waves as it moves. The transducer then receives the sound waves as they bounce off your organs in a series of echoes. A computer processes the echoes into images on a video monitor.



  • 确定创伤的结果阴囊
  • 验证是否有肿块阴囊或者testicles是固体(表示肿瘤)或填充液体(表示囊肿)
  • evaluate for possible睾丸扭转, which is a twisted精嘴restricting blood flow to your testicle
  • identify sources of或者swelling in your testicles
  • 检测和评估发现, which are varicose veins within the scrotum
  • find the location of an睾丸未经抑制



However, you may have increased pain or discomfort during the procedure if you have certain testicular issues, such as testicular torsion or an infection.

Typically, there’s no special preparation necessary for a testicular ultrasound.


There’s rarely a need to interrupt or discontinue medication use before a testicular ultrasound. However, you should still speak with your primary care physician about any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications you take.


睾丸超声通常需要不超过30分钟。It involves the following steps.



Afterward, you’ll lie on your back with your legs spread. The ultrasound technician may place a towel underneath your scrotum to keep it elevated. They may place wide strips of tape across your thighs and under your scrotum to elevate your scrotum.

You’ll need to lie completely still during the procedure.


The technician will apply a warm, water-based gel to your testicles. This gel will allow the transducer to glide over your body. It also facilitates the conduction of the sound waves.



After the procedure

The technician will wipe the gel off your body after the procedure.

After your testicular ultrasound, you can resume your normal activities and diet. No recovery time is necessary.

A radiologist will analyze the images obtained during your testicular ultrasound. They’ll then send a report detailing the results of the test to your doctor.


  • an infection in your testicle
  • 睾丸扭转
  • a testicular tumor
  • 良性囊肿
  • a varicocele
  • a水池, which is a benign collection of fluid around your testicle
  • aspermatocele,这是睾丸的管道上填充的流体囊肿
