


Some people use the terms tendinopathy and tendonitis interchangeably. While the two have almost identical symptoms, they’re different conditions.

Tendinopathy is a degeneration of the collagen protein that forms the tendon. Tendonitis, on the other hand, is just inflammation of the tendon.

虽然您可能更熟悉肌腱炎,但 专家相信 腱子病变衰退,实际上是越来越普遍。这是居st not recognized and diagnosed as often as tendonitis is.


Doctors previously thought that tendinopathy was an eventual result of tendonitis. But after looking at samples of injured tendons under a microscope, many now believe it’s the other way around — tendonitis is an eventual result of tendinopathy.

This relatively new understanding about the underlying causes and progression of tendinopathy has resulted in changes to common treatment approaches.



  • diclofenac (Voltaren, Zipsor), a prescription-only NSAID
  • 注射皮质类固醇,例如Triamcinolone acotonide(Volon A)


There’s also growing evidence that NSAIDs may actually slow down the recovery process.

For example, a 2013年研究 发现双氯芬酸和皮质类固醇注射实际上减慢了小鼠新肌腱细胞生长的速度。一个 较旧的研究 from 2004 found that ibuprofen had a similar effect on Achilles tendon cells in mice.

While NSAIDs and corticosteroids aren’t being used as much to treat tendinopathy, there are plenty of other options. Most people find that a combination of home treatment and physical therapy works best. But if you have a more severe case, you may need surgery.


Treating tendinopathy usually starts with giving the injured area plenty of rest. But it’s important to still be lightly active to maintain your strength and overall health. If your Achilles tendon is affected, for example, consider opting for low-impact activities, such as swimming.


You can also try the RICE method, which is often very effective for tendon injuries:

  • Rest。尽可能地远离受影响的身体部位。
  • Ice. Wrap an ice pack in a light towel and hold it to the affected area for 20 minutes. You can do this up to eight times a day.
  • C压缩。将该区域包裹在弹性绷带中,确保它不会太紧。
  • E左旋。在枕头或其他设备上保持受影响区域的升高。这可以帮助减少任何肿胀。

Physical therapy


有几种技术,物理席拉pist might use to treat tendinopathy, but two common ones include:

  • deep transverse friction massage, a type of connective tissue massage that can help to stimulate cell activity and generate new collagen fibers
  • eccentric exercises, which force your muscles to lengthen while they contract, rather than shorten


If you have severe tendinopathy that doesn’t respond to any other treatment, your doctor may recommend tendon repair surgery. They’ll probably recommend you do some physical therapy during the recovery process, which can take up to 12 weeks.

如果您需要帮助寻找初级保健医生或物理治疗师,则可以通过Healthline FindCare tool.

