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Tea tree oil can be used to treat conditions and symptoms that affect skin, nails, and hair. It can also be used as a deodorant, insect repellent, or mouthwash. When used topically, tea tree oil can treat certain skin conditions or improve the overall appearance of your skin.

Tea tree oil is effective in promoting healthy skin by soothing and healing a wide range of skin issues. Use tea tree oil with a few precautions:

  • You should not apply tea tree oil directly to skin. It’s important to dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil.
  • For every 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil, add 12 drops of a carrier oil.
  • Also, be careful when using tea tree oil around the eye area. Exposure can cause redness and irritation.
  • Before you use tea tree oil, do a patch test to make sure your skin doesn’t react to the tea tree oil.

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Tea tree oilcan help soothe皮肤干燥by reducing itching and irritation. Also, it’s been shown to be more effective than zinc oxide and clobetasone butyrate creams in treatingeczema

How to use:将几滴茶树油混合成少量保湿霜或carrier oil。Apply this mixture to the affected areas immediately after getting out of the shower and at least once more each day.

Oily skin

茶树油的防腐特性可能有助于其作战能力oily skin。A small2016 study found使用含有茶树油的防晒霜30天的参与者表现出改善的油脂。

How to use:Mix a few drops of tea tree oil into your toner, moisturizer, or sunscreen. You can add two drops of tea tree oil to bentonite clay to make a mask.

Itchy skin

这消炎(药)properties of tea tree oil make it useful in relieving the discomfort ofitchy skin。It soothes the skin and can also help heal infections that cause itchy skin.

A small 2012 study found 茶树油有效减少发痒的眼睑。将含有5%茶树油的药膏按摩到参与者的眼睑上。24名参与者中有16名完全消除了他们的瘙痒。其他八个人表现出一些进步。

How to use:Mix a few drops of tea tree oil into a moisturizer or carrier oil and apply it to your skin a few times per day.

消炎(药)effect of tea tree oil helps to soothe and relieve painful and irritated skin. It may also help to reduce redness and swelling.


How to use:将1滴茶树油加到载油或保湿霜中,每天几次将其涂在受影响区域。

Infections, cuts, and wound-healing


根据2013 study,茶树油有助于治愈由细菌引起的伤口。与仅常规治疗相比,在使用茶树油的10人中,有9人显示出愈合时间的减少。

How to use:Add 1 drop of tea tree oil with a wound ointment cream and apply as directed throughout the day.

Hair and scalp treatment

您可以使用tea tree oil治疗头皮通过从头皮中去除化学物质和死皮细胞。在头发上使用茶树油可能有助于保持健康和保湿,从而促进最佳生长。

How to use:Apply a mixture of tea tree oil and a carrier oil to your hair and scalp. Allow it to stay in your hair for 20 minutes. Then use a tea tree oil shampoo that contains 5-percent tea tree oil. Massage it into your scalp and hair for a few minutes before rinsing. Follow with a tea tree oil conditioner.

Find tea tree oil shampoos and conditioners.


Tea tree oil is a popular choice fortreating acnebecause of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It’s thought to calm redness, swelling, and inflammation. It may even help to prevent and reduce acne scars, leaving you with smooth, clear skin.

How to use:Dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil into 2 ounces ofwitch hazel。全天将其用作碳粉。您也可以使用洗面奶,保湿剂和含有茶树油的现场处理。


Scientific research supporting the use oftea tree oil for psoriasis是缺乏。但是,轶事证据表明,茶树油可能有助于治疗牛皮癣的症状,例如感染和炎症,同时促进免疫力。

How to use:Dilute 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil into a small amount of a carrier oil. Gently apply it to the affected area several times per day.

Since tea tree oil varies in quality, it’s important to buy an oil that is 100-percent natural, with no additives. Buy organic tea tree oil if possible, and always buy from a reputable brand. The Latin name,Melaleuca Alternifolia,原产国应印在瓶子上。寻找具有10%至40%浓度的Terpinen的油,Terpinen是茶树油的主要杀菌成分。

Tea tree oil should start to clear up symptoms within a few days of consistent use. It may take longer for some conditions to heal completely. You may choose to continue using tea tree oil to prevent further recurrences.

建议您先对使用茶树油感兴趣的人首先过敏skin patch test然后小心稀释茶树油,以防止进一步的刺激。您还可以购买已经与茶树油混合的产品。这样可以确保您获得正确的一致性。
