
纹身似乎比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,通过PEW研究中心调查报告40%的年轻人have at least one. They’re appealing for their customized art, which can reflect your personality or even honor people important in your life.


实际的过程本身由一个纹身娘家姓的dle literally injuring your skin to design the art. The needle also inserts small amounts of color pigments. If your skin heals correctly, you’re left with beautiful, permanent skin art.

The key to tattoo safety is making sure these microinjuries to the skin heal properly, and that you work with a safe and reputable artist.

Most of the纹身的风险和副作用occur when the tattoo is still fresh. At this point, your skin is still healing, so proper aftercare is necessary to prevent complications.

Skin infection

While tattooing is an art, the actual process is technically one that causes injury to your skin. This includes both the upper (epidermal) and middle (dermal) layers of skin.

Your skin needs to recover after you get new ink, so your tattoo artist will give you tips on how to prevent infection.

An infection can also occur if nonsterile water is mixed with the ink before injection.

你最容易受到影响纹身皮肤感染within the first two weeks. Symptoms include redness, itchiness, and discharge. The area may also become swollen.



Some people might develop an过敏反应after getting a tattoo. This is usually related to the ink — especially if it contains plastic — and not the needling process itself. According to theMayo Clinic,红色,黄色,蓝色和绿色颜料往往是最过敏的。

来自纹身的过敏反应的症状可包括红色皮疹,荨麻疹和severe itchiness。Swelling can occur too. These effects can occur years after you get the tattoo.

Keloid scarring

Tattoos have thepotential to scar。如果您的纹身无法正常愈合,或者您是否有感染或过敏反应,这尤其如此。最终,您还可以开发Keloid Scars - 这些包含含有旧瘢痕组织的凸起凸块。

Complications with MRIs

如果你的医生订单MRI scan那there’s a slight chance that the test could interact with your tattoo. Some of the side effects include swelling and itchiness afterward, but they tend to go away on their own.

Your risk of such reactions could be higher if your tattoo was inked with low-quality pigments or if the tattoo is old.

如果您关注您的纹身干扰MRI扫描,请与医生交谈。根据这一点Mayo Clinic,这种反应相对罕见。

Sterilization of needles


不使用灭菌针增加了感染风险,也可以提出风险传递血腥疾病, 包含艾滋病病毒丙型肝炎那andmethicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus(MRSA)



Tattoo ink is much safer than it used to be. However, there’s a possibility that you can be sensitive to certain colors, especially brighter pigments.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has strict standards about labeling inks to prevent cross-contamination, but you could still be vulnerable if such practices aren’t followed. Ask your provider whether the ink is completely sterile to reduce your risk.


另外,根据 FDA. ,一些油墨含有汽车涂料和打印机墨水中使用的相同化学品,但原子能机构不调节这些材料。

More tests involving the safety of tattoo inks are needed to determine the overall risks for people wanting to get tattoos.

One of the best ways you can decrease the risks of getting a tattoo is to do a little homework first. You have to be 18 or older to get a tattoo in the United States., so shops or individual artists who do ink on anyone younger should raise a red flag.

Once you’ve decided that you want to get a tattoo, find the right provider. Word-of-mouth is a good place to start. You can also check out the shop ahead of time to see the artists’ licenses, experience, and what types of ink they use.


While tattoos aren’t completely risk-free, knowing the potential effects ahead of time can reduce your chances of side effects. Talk to your tattoo artist about any concerns you may have.