It’s normal to notice irritation or swelling after getting inked. But tattoo reactions can go beyond simple irritation. Skin can swell, itch, and ooze with pus.

Most allergic reactions are tied to certain inks. This hypersensitivity often presents ascontact dermatitisorphotosensitivity.

您通常可以在家里治疗轻度病例。但如果您的症状持续 - 或者从一开始更严重 - 您需要看医生或其他医疗保健专业人员进行诊断和治疗。

Read on to find out what symptoms to watch for, how to tell the difference between an allergy and an infection, your options for treatment, and more.

Allergy symptoms vary by severity. Some are simply skin-deep and resolve in a few days.

Mild allergic reactions can cause:

  • 瘙痒
  • 皮疹或颠簸
  • redness or irritation
  • 皮肤剥落
  • swelling or fluid buildup around tattoo ink
  • scaly skin around tattoo
  • 皮肤标签或结节

More severe reactions can affect your entire body. See a doctor or other healthcare provider if you begin to experience:

  • intense itching or burning around the tattoo
  • pus or drainage oozing from the tattoo
  • hard, bumpy tissue
  • 寒冷或热闪光
  • 发热

Seek emergency medical help if you develop swelling around your eyes or have difficulty breathing.





If the ink is to blame, your symptoms will only appear around the offending pigment. Red ink is the most common allergen.

通常,你的症状只会持续几天. In some cases, symptoms may last for a few weeks before disappearing entirely.



Surface symptoms may be present in addition to those that affect your entire body, such as fever or chills.

感染症状也倾向于持续时间 - 从几天到一周或更长时间的任何地方。


  • an immune system response
  • a skin condition
  • 照明或其他过敏原的过度曝光

Acute inflammatory reactions

You don’t have to be allergic to the ink or other materials to have reactions to tattoos. Sometimes, the process itself can irritate your skin.

Many people experience mild redness, swelling, and itching after getting a tattoo. These symptoms typically clear up within a couple of weeks.





If you’re allergic to the ink itself, you may develop symptoms of contact dermatitis. This includes swelling, itching, and flaking.



A number of ink ingredients are known to cause granulomas, or red bumps. These ingredients include:

  • 汞盐
  • 氧化铁
  • cobalt chloride
  • manganese

Overall, they’re most commonly tied to red inks.

Lichenoid reactions

A lichenoid reaction happens when small, discolored bumps appear around where the ink was injected. It’s most common with red inks.


Pseudolymphomatous reactions

If your symptoms don’t immediately appear after getting your tattoo, you may be experiencing a pseudolymphomatous reaction. It’s usually in response to red inks.

在这些情况下,可能不会出现皮疹,红色皮肤生长或其他刺激 数月 afterward.

Tattoo allergies are often caused by ingredients in tattoo inks, such as pigments, dyes, or metallic substances.

Some inks now contain dyes made from the same components used in car paint and commercial printing. These can all stimulate an immune response as your body attempts to remove the ink as if it’s a foreign invader.

Tattoo ink isn’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so you may not always know exactly what’s in your ink. But the FDA does compile reports of people’s negative responses to certain ingredients.

It’s best to ask your tattoo artist for the inks they use and look for any ingredients that may cause a reaction or may be documented as potentially harmful.


  • aluminum
  • 氨基唑.
  • brazilwood
  • 硫化镉
  • carbon (also called “India ink”)
  • 氧化铬
  • cobalt aluminate
  • cobalt chloride
  • 铁水合物
  • ferric oxide
  • iron oxide
  • 铅铬酸盐
  • manganese
  • mercury sulfide
  • phthalocyanine dyes
  • 檀香
  • 氧化钛
  • zinc oxide


Also ask your artist about the inks they used and the processes they followed to inject the ink. These details will help a doctor or other healthcare professional determine what exactly caused the reaction and how to best treat it.


If your symptoms are mild, you may be able to use over-the-counter (OTC) medications to find relief.

OTC antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may help reduce overall symptoms. Topical ointments, such as hydrocortisone or triamcinolone cream (Cinolar), may help soothe local inflammation and other irritation.

If OTC methods aren’t working, your healthcare provider may be able to prescribe a stronger antihistamine or other medication to help ease your symptoms.



In severe cases, untreated allergic reactions and infections can disrupt the ink and disfigure the tattoo.

Identifying the reason for your reaction can help you decide what to do next. Your artist may be able to touch up or add on to the tattoo to hide the blemishes.

如果您的皮肤无法忍受额外的墨水,您不想留下艺术,removal may be an option. See a doctor or other healthcare provider to discuss your options.

The best way to prepare is to learn more about your reaction to other allergens and to research your potential tattoo artist.

First, take the following into account before you decide to get any tattoo:

  • Find out whether you have any common allergies.If you can, make an appointment with an allergist and tell them about your previous allergic reactions. They may be able to test for related allergens and help you identify other ingredients or triggers to avoid.
  • 找出是否有任何潜在的皮肤电导率itions.一些条件,如牛皮癣和湿疹,可能会让你更容易发生不良反应。
  • 如果你生病或你的免疫系统削弱了,不要得到纹身。A weak immune system can make you more susceptible to allergic reactions.

Then, make sure you choose a reputable artist and shop. Run through the following checklist before getting a tattoo:

  • Does the shop have a license?Licensed tattoo shops are regularly inspected for health and safety violations.
  • 这家商店的声誉良好吗?Check out online reviews or ask friends who have tattoos. Visit a few shops before you decide on one.
  • 商店是否使用墨水用安全成分?向您的纹身艺术家询问他们使用的墨水。确保你告诉他们任何以前的过敏反应。
  • 艺术家是否观察到安全的做法?您的艺术家应该在预约期间建立新的灭菌针之前放在一双新的手套上。