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当然,外壳是部分of the apple pie, but it’s certainly not the whole pie! Same concept applies to tantra.

“历史上,性行为是一小部分密宗派,但西方对密宗的诠释使地下的密宗的其他部分推向了卧室,卧室基于卧室,”密宗的实践者和性授权教练Sarrah Rose的Sarrah Rose说。密宗激活.

准备了解有关密宗的更多信息,包括密宗瑜伽是什么 - 以及如何获得它om? Scroll down.


Like the secret ingredient in Grandma’s apple pie recipe, the exact origins of tantra are hard to pin down.

坦塔专家Barbara Carrellas,ACS,Aasect,作者“城市密宗:二十一世纪的神圣性” explains why:





Good Q! Yoga is Sanskrit for “oneness” and is anything that connects you to yourself, says tantra educator Leah Piper of更多爱情研讨会.

Because tantra is about becoming aware of and whole with oneself, tantra canbe她说,瑜伽。

“Tantric yoga weaves together many yogic and meditative practices to help you get as deep an understanding of yourself as possible, so that you can accept that self,” says Rose.


Tantric meditation teacherHilary Jackendoff随着瑜伽在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶醒来,这是一种探索无伴侣,没有做爱或与自己共度时光的密宗的绝妙方法。




尽管the Western practice of tantra might suggest otherwise, you actually can’t have red tantra without white tantra, according to Piper.


“Tantric yoga can still make you a better lover,” says Rose, who has used tantric yoga to help people overcomedependence on pornor erotica,premature ejaculation, 和erectile dysfunction.

Two words: spiritual liberation.


Experts say a regular tantric practice can help you reap the following benefits:

  • 减轻压力,焦虑或抑郁症
  • 更好地理解和爱自己
  • 改善睡眠质量
  • 增强了卧室的信心和表现
  • 改善生活质量
  • increased亲密的能力

The latter.

Unlike Bikram yoga, which features the same 26 postures in every class, or Ashtanga which always has the same sequence, every tantra yoga teacher will lead you through a different sequence of movements, meditations, chanting, chakra work, and breath work.

Jackendoff explains, “In one tantra yoga [practice] you might hold Downward-Facing Dog while concentrating on the throat pit (a chakra point) [and] mentally repeating a mantra and visualizing energy move through your body with your breath. In another, you might not.”


  • 反转
  • side bends
  • 前折
  • twists
  • backbends



“It’s a fun date idea to do your solo tantra practice in the same room as someone else,” says Piper. “It’s like fine-tuning your instruments in the same room so you can make music together later.” Hot!

是的!有各种各样的在线课程,例如SourceTantraYoga,Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving,瑜伽glo,然后Yoga International这使您无需去工作室就可以练习。

“如果您在家庭瑜伽练习中建立深深的向内重点 - 无论需要什么,并且感觉到您的运动是直接经历神的神圣门,可以成为密宗瑜伽,” Jackendoff说。


要找到一位宗师,请在您当地的Hatha或Kundalini Yoga Studio中询问,或在线探索密宗瑜伽老师。




  1. 您的课程是独奏还是合作?(经典密宗瑜伽应该是独奏的。)
  2. Are you teaching red or white tantra? (The answer should be white tantra.)
  3. What is the goal of the class? (The answer should suggest self-growth and self-awareness.)
  4. 班级包括诵经吗?(答案应该是。)
  5. 老师的培训是什么?(老师应接受Hatha瑜伽,整体瑜伽,Kundalini瑜伽和密宗的培训。)


“Hatha is the practice of developing awareness in your body and balancing your energy, so anyone doing Hatha yoga is already doing tantra yoga,’ says Piper.

Kundalini yoga is also deeply rooted in tantra yoga.

There are so many sources that “you could spend the rest of your life studying the history and many philosophies of tantra,” says Carrellas. Though, you don’t need to — unless you want to, of course.



加布里埃尔·卡塞尔(Gabrielle Kassel)是一位基于纽约的性爱和健康作家和CrossFit 1级教练。她已经成为一个早起的人,经过200多个振动器的测试,并用木炭吃饭,喝醉并刷了 - 这都是新闻业的名义。在业余时间,她可以找到阅读自助书籍和浪漫小说,板凳压制或钢管舞。跟着她Instagram.