What is taeniasis?


Parasitescan be found in contaminated food and water. If you consume contaminated food or drinks, you may contract a parasite that can live and sometimes grow and reproduce inside your body.

taeniasis是一个tapeworm infection caused by eating contaminatedbeef或者pork。也以以下名称知道:

  • Taenia saginata(牛肉tape虫)
  • taenia solium(pork tapeworm)

大多数绦虫病的人没有任何电脑toms. If signs and symptoms are present, they may include:

有些患有taeniasis的人也可能会经历刺激in the perianal area, which is the area around the anus. Worm segments or eggs being expelled in the stool cause this irritation.

People often become aware that they have a tapeworm when they see worm segments or eggs in their stool.

Infections can take between 8 and 14 weeks to develop.


Fully cooking beef or pork will destroy the larvae so that they can’t live in your body.

The tapeworm can grow up to 12 feet in length. It can live in the intestines for years without being discovered. Tapeworms have segments along their bodies. Each of these segments can produce eggs. As the tapeworm matures, these eggs will be passed out of the body in the stool.


taeniasisis 比较普遍;普遍上 在消耗生牛肉或猪肉且卫生条件很差的地区。这些区域可能包括:

  • 东欧和俄罗斯
  • East Africa
  • 撒哈拉以南非洲
  • Latin America
  • 亚洲的部分地区,包括中国,印度尼西亚和韩国

根据 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ,每年美国可能只有不到1,000个新案件。但是,前往更常见的taeniasis地区的人有患这种疾病的风险。

taeniasisis more likely to develop in people who have weakened immune systems and aren’t able to fight off infections. Your immune system can weaken due to:


To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may order blood tests including a全血数(CBC)。他们也可能订购stool examto see if eggs or worm segments are present.


Both drugs are antihelmintics, which means that they kill parasitic worms and their eggs. In most cases, these medications are provided in a single dose. They can take a few weeks to fully clear an infection. The tapeworm will be excreted as waste.


Most cases of this infection go away with treatment. Medications prescribed for this condition are typically effective and will cure the infection.


In other cases, a pork tapeworm may travel to other parts of your body such as the heart, eye, or brain. This condition is calledcysticercosis。Cysticercosis can cause other health problems such as癫痫发作或神经系统中的感染。

The most effective way to prevent taeniasis is to cook food thoroughly. This means cooking meat to a temperature above 140°F (60°F) for five minutes or more. Measure the meat temperature with a cooking thermometer.



适当的手卫生对于防止这种疾病的传播也很重要。使用浴室后,请务必洗手教你的孩子to do the same.
