
Swimmingboosts your heart rate, strengthens and tones your upper and lower body muscles, and burns calories, all while remaining a low-impact form of exercise.



When it comes to thenumber of calories you can burnwhile swimming or running, you first have to understand that calorie burn is based on several factors, including your weight and the intensity of the exercise.

According toHarvard Medical School,根据体重和30分钟的活动,估计用于游泳与跑步的卡路里燃烧相对于跑步估计如下。

Activity (30 mins) 125磅 155磅 185 pounds
游泳,悠闲的步伐 180 223 266
Swimming, vigorous pace 300 372 444
Running, 5 mph pace (12 min/mile) 240 298 355
Running, 7.5 mph (8 min/mile) 375 465 555

For more specific calculations, you can use an online activity calorie counter such as this one from the美国锻炼理事会

至于燃烧脂肪,物理治疗师Jena Gatses, PT, DPT, LMT, SFMA, CSCS, says there are many variables to consider.


High-intensity interval training (HIIT)involves short bursts of vigorous exercise followed by low-intensity recovery periods. Although you work out for less time,researchhas shown that this type of workout offers similar health benefits as twice as much moderate-intensity activity.

根据gats有关,你可以做高强度interval training workouts with both running and swimming.



With that in mind, it’s a toss-up as to whether running or swimming is better for burning fat.


  • the intensity at which you’re exercising
  • 您提高心率的高度并保持升高
  • 锻炼的持续时间

底线is both running and swimming are effective exercise options for burning calories and fat.

  • 关节更容易。One of the main advantages ofswimmingis that it’s easier on your joints. This is especially important if you haveosteoarthritis,类风湿关节炎, or other conditions that cause关节痛。A2016 study发现游泳作为一种运动干预,导致刚度和关节疼痛的减轻。
  • It’s a safer way to exercise if you’re recovering from an injury。游泳也是从伤害中康复的人来说,这也是一个受欢迎的选择,尤其是 lower body injuries 。水的浮力为您的肌肉和关节提供了更多支持,而不是在陆地上锻炼。这使您能够更加努力地锻炼身体,对身体的影响比在陆地上更少。
  • It offers lots of ways to burn calories.Swimming also offers many different ways to burn calories. You can alternate between swimming laps using different strokes, adding resistance with an aqua belt or wrist and ankle weights, or doing a全身锻炼in the pool.
  • It provides a full-body workout.游泳需要您在体内使用许多肌肉,这使其成为出色的全身锻炼。跑步,虽然对下半身非常有用,但并不能像游泳一样在背部,胸部,手臂或肩膀上锻炼肌肉。

  • 它提供了高卡路里的燃烧。如果您想,跑步是一个绝佳的选择burn a lot of calories。您运行的速度越快,您就会燃烧的越多。通过添加一些步行或慢跑间隔,您可以将碰撞变成卡路里的刺激性,脂肪的锻炼。要开始,请尝试2到1个间隔比。例如,快速跑2分钟,然后走路或慢跑1分钟。重复30分钟。
  • It’s a weight-bearing exercise.跑步使您可以通过承重活动来增加骨密度。游泳不允许这样做。慢跑,步行和远足等重量练习是最好的骨骼活动, as they require you to work against gravity.
  • 很容易开始。与需要游泳池的游泳不同,跑步只需要一双好鞋,可以进入户外活动或跑步机。
  • You’ll get a dose of vitamin D.Heading outdoors for a run can also boost your vitamin D levels. Just remember to wear sunscreen and to avoid running between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest.


Consider these questions when trying to decide which type of exercise is right for you.


Both swimming and running will help you burn calories, boost your cardiovascular fitness, and tone your muscles.

If you’re not sure which one to choose, why not include both in your fitness routine? Cross-training with different forms of exercise is an excellent way to add variety to your workout routine while also decreasing your chance of injury.
