
黑子,也称为肝脏或solar lentigines, are very common. Anyone can get sunspots, but they are more common in people with fair skin and those older than 40.

They are flat brown spots that develop on the skin after sun exposure (during which, UV radiation causes pigmented skin cells called melanocytes to multiply).


True sunspots are harmless and noncancerous but can be treated for cosmetic purposes.

There are several at-home and professional procedures that can remove or lessen the appearance of sunspots on your face.

At-home treatment

The following are some at-home treatments that may help fade or remove sunspots on your face:

  • 芦荟。研究发现 aloesin andaloin, which are active compounds found inaloe vera植物,可以减轻黑子和其他hyperpigmentation
  • 甘草提取物。Some of the active ingredients inlicorice extractmay help lighten sunspots and other skin discoloration aggravated by sun exposure, such asmelasma, which is common in pregnant women and referred to as “the mask of pregnancy.” Many topical creams for lightening sunspots include licorice extract.
  • 维生素C。This natural antioxidant has severalbenefitswhen it comes to your skin and the sun. Topical L-ascorbic acid protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays, promotescollagenproduction, and has been found to be effective in lightening dark spots.
  • 维生素E。。A diet rich in 维生素E。 , and taking a维生素E。补充,防止阳光损伤,可以改善皮肤的健康,尤其是与维生素C一起使用时维生素E。oilprovides even more benefits for your skin against sun damage and may help lighten sunspots.
  • 苹果醋。乙酸,发现苹果醋,可以帮助减轻皮肤色素沉着并改善皮肤的整体外观。
  • Green tea。Some websites suggest that applyinggreen tea皮肤的袋子可以帮助褪色的黑子。虽然没有任何科学证据专门关于绿茶袋的有效性,但已证明绿茶提取物具有一个 depigmenting effect
  • Black tea water。A 2011 study found that红茶每天两次,每周六天在四个星期内,水对豚鼠的晒黑斑点产生了淡水效果。
  • Red onion。Dried red onion skin contains ingredients that could lighten the skin, according to a学习published in 2010.
  • Lemon juiceLemon juice长期以来,长期以来一直用作降低头发和皮肤的家庭疗法,并且是皮肤闪烁霜中的常见成分。虽然许多人会发誓柠檬汁的淡入黑子的能力,但柠檬汁是acidicand can cause drying as well as irritate the skin and eyes.
  • 。Thelactic acidin buttermilk may help lighten sunspots when applied to the skin.
  • Milk。Just like buttermilk, milk is high in lactic acid that may help lighten sunspots. Sour milk has been shown effective in treating skin discoloration.
  • 蜂蜜。充满抗氧化剂,honey多年来一直使用的护肤品。它是是lieved to promote new cell growth and may help fade sunspots when applied to the skin.
  • 非处方面霜。柜台上有许多局部霜,您可以在家中涂抹,以去除脸上的黑子。寻找含有乙醇酸,羟基酸,曲酸或脱氧核素的面霜。

Professional treatment

There are a few professional treatments available that can remove sunspots or significantly reduce their appearance. These treatments should all be performed by a trained skin care professional.

  • Laser resurfacing.Duringlaser resurfacing, a wand-like device is used to deliver beams of light that remove sun damaged skin layer by layer. New skin is then able to grow in its place. Laser resurfacing on the face can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours depending on how many sunspots are being treated. Healing typically takes anywhere from 10 to 21 days.
  • Intense pulse light (IPL).IPLuses pulses of light energy to target sunspots on the skin. It does this by heating and destroying the melanin, which removes the discolored spots. An IPL session usually takes less than 30 minutes and causes little to no pain. The number of sessions needed varies from person to person.
  • Cryotherapy.Cryotherapyremoves sunspots and other skin lesions by freezing them off with a liquid nitrogen solution.Nitrous oxide可以使用(而不是液氮)来治疗浅色黑斑,例如黑斑,因为它不那么侵略性,并且不太可能引起起泡。冷冻疗法仅需几分钟,并且通常耐受性良好。
  • Chemical peels.This procedure involves applying an acid solution to skin, which creates a controlled wound that eventually peels off, making way for new skin.Chemical peels可能会很痛苦,并引起持续几分钟的燃烧感觉,但可以通过冷压和非处方止痛药对其进行治疗。
  • 微磨碎。Microdermabrasioninvolves gently removing the outermost layer of your skin using a special applicator with an abrasive tip, followed by suction to remove the dead skin. It takes approximately one hour, causes little to no pain, and doesn’t require anesthetic. Your skin will be pink and feel tight following the treatment, but this is only temporary.

Sunspots are harmless and don’t pose any risks to your health. They don’t need to be treated and your doctor can usually tell the difference between a sunspot and something more serious, like皮肤癌,只是看它。

The treatments for sunspots are generally safe, but as with any medical treatment or procedure, there is always some risk. Always speak to doctor before using any home treatments.

Any professional procedures should be performed by a board-certified dermatologist to minimize risk and ensure the best results.

See your doctor about any spot on your skin that concerns you, especially a spot that has changed in appearance or:

  • is dark
  • 尺寸正在增长
  • 有不规则边界
  • 发痒,痛苦,红色还是流血
  • is unusual in color

You may be able to prevent sunspots on your face by limiting your exposure to UVA and UVB rays. You can do this by:

  • avoiding the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • 在户外前进行防晒霜并每两个小时重新涂抹一次
  • 选择包含防晒霜的化妆品
  • 用衣服和帽子覆盖皮肤

