Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a neurological disorder marked by a distinctive port-wine stain on the forehead, scalp, or around the eye.

This stain是由皮肤表面附近的毛细血管过多引起的胎记。与污渍相同的血管也可能受到影响。

大量有SWS经验的人seizures或者抽搐. Other complications may include increased pressure in the eye, developmental delays, and weakness on one side of the body.

The medical term for SWS is encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, according to theNational Organization for Rare Disorders,


The most apparent indication of SWS is a port-wine stain, or red and discolored skin on one side of the face. The discoloration is due to dilated blood vessels in the face that make the skin appear reddened.

Not everyone with a port-wine stain has SWS, but all children with SWS have a port-wine stain. A child must have the port-wine stain and abnormal blood vessels in the brain on the same side as the stain to be diagnosed with SWS.

In some children, abnormal vessels don’t cause any symptoms. In others, they can cause the following symptoms:

  • developmental delays
  • 认知障碍
  • seizures
  • weakness on one side of the body
  • paralysis



Glaucomais an eye disease often caused by increased pressure in the eye. This can cause vision impairment, sensitivity to light, and eye pain.




Doctors can often diagnose SWS based on the symptoms that are present. Babies with SWS may not always be born with the characteristic port-wine stain. However, they often develop the birthmark shortly after birth.




  • 抗惊厥药,可以减少癫痫活性
  • eye drops, which can decrease eye pressure
  • surgery, which can relieve glaucoma symptoms
  • 物理疗法,可以增强弱肌肉
  • 教育疗法,可以帮助有发育延迟的儿童尽可能地进步


根据约翰·霍普金斯医学的说法80%of children with SWS also have seizures.

Additionally,25%这些孩子有完全的癫痫发作,50 percent具有部分癫痫发作,并且25%没有药物的癫痫发作控制。

Most children with SWS have a port-wine stain and brain abnormalities that affect only one side of the brain. In some children, however, both sides of the brain may be affected.


SWS can affect children in different ways. Some children may experience seizure disorders and severe development delays. Other children may not have any symptoms other than a noticeable port-wine stain.

Talk to a doctor to learn more about your child’s specific outlook based on their symptoms.