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一种中风那also known as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain stops, and the brain cells in the area begin to die. A stroke can affect the entire body.

一种cting fast can make a big difference for someone who’s having a中风。The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) emphasizes that getting emergency help within an hour can prevent long-term disability or death.


被一个人对待的人血液凝固药物within 4.5 hours 根据 2018年指南 来自美国心脏协会(AHA)和美国中风协会(ASA)。


The ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke can mean the difference between life and death. Read on to learn what they are.

Stroke symptomsare unique because they come on suddenly, without warning. The National Stroke Association suggests using the term “ 快速地 ” to help you recognize common stroke symptoms.

快速地 Sign
F for face 如果你注意到一个下垂或者对一个人的脸上的微笑不均匀,这是一个警告标志。
一个武器 手臂麻木orweakness可以是警告标志。如果你不确定,你可以让这个人抚养他们的手臂。如果手臂下降或不稳定,这是一个警告标志。
S for speech difficulty 一种sk the person to repeat something.Slurred speechcan indicate that the person is having a stroke.
T时间 如果有人正在经历卒中症状,那是时候开始行动了。

一种dditional symptoms of stroke may include:

If you feel these signs yourself, or see them affecting someone else, call 911 or your local emergency services.获取有关笔划急救的更多信息。

Women can have unique symptoms.


What if you notice that someone is having just one of the warning signs for stroke?

Maybe their face is drooping, but they can still walk and talk fine and there’s no weakness in their arms or legs. In a situation like this, it’s still important to act fast if there’s any chance you’re seeing the warning signs of a stroke.

Speedy treatment can improve chances for fullrecovery

致电当地的紧急服务或立即让人去医院。一种ccording to the American Heart Association (AHA), you don’t have to exhibit all of the warning signs to be having a stroke.

一种fter you call 911, check to see what time you first noticed the warning signs. The emergency crew can use this information to help determine the most helpful type of treatment.


一种ccording to the AHA and ASA guidelines, people who are experiencing stroke symptoms have a 24-hour window to receive treatment with mechanical clot removal. This treatment is also known as amechanical thrombectomy


There are three类型中风:

  • 一个缺血性中风是动脉堵塞。
  • 一种出血性脑卒中是由血管破裂引起的。
  • 一种Ministroke.那or transient ischemic attack (TIA), is a temporary blockage in the artery. Ministrokes don’t cause permanent damage but they do increase your risk for stroke.

People who recover from stroke may experience theseeffects

Your doctor can recommend treatment for these symptoms. Some替代治疗方法like针刺and瑜伽可能有助于顾虑肌肉无力和抑郁症。在中风后,你的治疗很重要。在进行中风后,您对另一个中风的风险增加。

You can prepare for stroke if you know you’re at risk for one. These steps include:

  • 教育家庭和朋友“快速”
  • 戴医疗识别珠宝为医务人员
  • keeping your updated medical history on hand
  • having emergency contacts listed on your phone
  • 与您保持药物副本
  • 教你的孩子如何寻求帮助



您可以采取措施最小化您的risk factorsfor having a stroke by:

Talk to your doctor if you have a health condition or other medical factors that increase your risk. They’ll be able to work with you to manage risk factors.