
A stroke occurs when blood clots or broken blood vessels cut off the blood supply to your brain. Every year, more than 795,000 Americans have a stroke. Nearly 1 in 4 strokes occur in someone who has had a previous stroke.

Strokes can cause significant impairment in language, cognition, motor, and sensory skills. This is why it’s considered to be a leading cause of serious long-term disability.





Some hospitals and clinics have rehabilitation units. Other units are in separate facilities that aren’t part of a hospital or clinic. If you’re treated at an inpatient unit, you will have to stay at the facility for several weeks. If you receive outpatient care, you will come in for a certain period of time each day to work on rehabilitation.



Your home

You may be able to have specialists come to your home to help you recover. Although this may be more comfortable and convenient than undergoing rehabilitation outside your home, this option has its limits. You likely won’t be able to do exercises that require specialized equipment, and your insurance company may not cover this type of care.



  • Your brain may be able to resume functioning by changing the way tasks are performed.
  • 如果恢复了流向大脑受影响区域的血液,则可能会损坏一些脑细胞而不是破坏。结果,这些单元将能够随着时间的推移恢复功能。
  • One area of your brain may take control of the functions that used to be performed by the affected area.

The goal of rehabilitation is to improve or restore your speech, cognitive, motor, or sensory skills so that you can be as independent as possible.


中风会导致语言障碍称为失语症。If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, you may have trouble speaking in general. It’s also common to have a hard time finding the right words or difficulty speaking in full sentences.

You may have problems with your speech if the muscles that control speech were damaged. Speech and language therapists can help you learn how to speak coherently and clearly. If the damage is too severe, they can also teach you other ways to communicate.


中风会削弱你的思考和推理abilities, lead to poor judgment, and cause memory problems. It can also cause behavioral changes. You may have once been outgoing, but are now withdrawn, or vice versa.


This leads to concerns about safety, so it’s important to work toward recovering these cognitive skills. Occupational therapists and speech and language therapists can help you regain these abilities. They can also help make sure that your home is a safe environment.

Motor skills


Physical therapists can help you learn how to balance and strengthen your muscles. They are also able to help you control muscle spasms by teaching you stretching exercises. You may need to use a walking aid as you relearn motor skills.



Impaired speech, cognition, or motor skills may cause additional complications. Some complications may be treated. These include:

Bladder and bowel control

Strokes can cause bladder and bowel problems. You may not recognize that you have to go. Or you may not be able to get to the bathroom fast enough. You might have diarrhea, constipation, or a loss of bowel control. Frequent urination, trouble urinating, and a loss of bladder control can also occur.

A bladder or bowel specialist can help treat these problems. You may need to have a commode chair near you throughout the day. Sometimes medications can be helpful. In severe cases, your doctor will insert a尿管导管从您的体内清除尿液。


A stroke can lead to困难吞咽。您可能会忘记在进食时吞咽或造成神经损伤,这使吞咽困难。这可能会导致您窒息,咳嗽食物或打ic。言语治疗师可以帮助您学习吞咽和正常饮食。营养师还可以帮助您找到更容易食用的营养食品。


Some people developdepressionin the aftermath of a stroke. A psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional can help treat this disorder with therapy and antidepressant medications.

According to the National Stroke Association, 10 percent of people who have a stroke recover almost completely, with 25 percent recovering with minor impairments. Another 40 percent experience moderate to severe impairments that require special care. This means that there is a type of disability that affects your daily function, whether at work or in your personal life. And 10 percent require long-term care in a nursing home or other facility.

Successful stroke recovery depends on a number of factors, including:

  • how much damage the stroke caused
  • how soon recovery is started
  • 您的动力有多高以及您如何努力康复
  • 你的年龄发生了
  • 您是否还有其他可能影响恢复的医疗问题


你的家人和朋友也可以帮助improve your outlook by providing encouragement and support.

You can increase your chances of successfully recovering by practicing your rehabilitation exercises on a regular basis.